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Mathematical Chains Span the BookTHE BIBLE, THE WORD OF GOD, IS PERHAPS A GREATER MIRACLE THAN THE CREATION OF LIFE!You decide.Imagine finding Isaac Newton, Shakespeare, Yitzhak Rabin, Twin Towers, Hitler, to name only the fewest, imagine finding their pertinent info in CODES written 3000 years ago! CHAINES of names hold the chapters and books together. Every verse of the Textus Receptus embodies a mathematical mosaic! Not to mention that a quarter of the Bible is pure PROPHECY of 100 % accuracy, nearly all of it now realized. The probability to obtain this by chance is one against a totally astronomical number which exceeds the number of atomic particles in the postulated universe.There are CHAINS of names, events, phenomena which, with the greatest accuracy, bind all the books of the Bible together, without a single error or exception.Take the chains of NAMES as an example.The number of Old Testament writers 21 3x7The numeric sum of the names of all these writers also divides by 7 (3808 or 544x7). Of these Old Testament writers only 7 are named in the New Testament: Moses, David, Isaiah, Daniel, Hosea, Joel and Jeremiah.


The numeric value of these 7 writers is exactly 1554 or 162x7! The number of times the following names appear in the Bible: Moses 121x7 David 162x7 Jeremiah 21x7(Jeremiah, for example, occurs in 7 Old Testament books in 7 different forms of Hebrew and exactly 147 times!) And so on.How would the Old Testament writers know when to stop? Who would count the number of times a name would finally appear in both Testaments as they wrote, dodging bitter reprisals? Not only Christians but almost all Old Testament prophets were persecuted. Who was it that said, "If you stand for Jesus, it will cost you"? Isaiah, they say, was sawn in half.Count the number of writers in the New Testament yourself. Keep in mind that the number 8 means new beginning.


The numeric sum of the name Jesus, in Greek, ads up to 888. There are other concealed designs in the original Bible text which literally boggle the mind. For example, the genealogy of Noah (whoever wanted to study that?!), translated with a Hebrew dictionary, reads as follows: The references are from Genesis. The names are in Hebrew. Translated with a Hebrew dictionary you get the English equivalent of the Hebrew names (on the right of the table). Read only the English translation s from top to bottom: Genesis Hebrew English 5:3 Adam (to) Man 5:6 Seth (is) Appointed 5:9 Enosh Mortal 5:12 Kenan Sorrow 5:15 Mahalalel (the) Blessed God 6:18 Jared Shall Come Down 6:21 Enoch Teaching 6:25 Methuselah (that) His Death Shall Bring 6:28 Lamech (the) Despairing 6:32 Noah Comfort and Rest (Brackets are added)Read the names in English (top to bottom) as one sentence.


What do you get? You get: “TO MAN IS APPOINTED MORTAL SORROW. THE BLESSED GOD SHALL COME DOWN TEACHING THAT HIS DEATH SHALL BRING THE DESPAIRING COMFORT AND REST” You think this is an accident to find encoded in 10 prediluvian names, in their exact chronological sequence, Gods central message to man? If nor an accident, then what? Nobody can make me believe that a bunch of rabbi's falsified their beloved Torah to bring us the heart of the Christian gospel!

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