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Prophecy: The Bible Is The Only Multi-Prophecy Source In The World To Have A 100% Accuracy Every Time!Prophecy make the Bible absolutely unique.


There is no other religion, or movement, or person or phenomenon like that in the world.The statistical "betting average" of published "psychic" predictions is near 6%. There once was a convocation of psychics and witches, at a time in history when this was still illegal. The police "pinched" (arrested) the bunch. The Chief-Inspector went on record, declaring that "...they had to be phonies. Otherwise they would have known we're coming!"Nearly 25% of the Bible is PROPHECY.


The prophets had to speak to events near and far in the future. If the events did not come true exactly and in every detail, the false prophet had to be stoned to death. Isaiah, for example, prophesied that not a single arrow would fall into Jerusalem during forthcoming siege. You have over 40,000 Persian soldiers , possibly each one with a bow and arrows, just outside the walls. You think at least one of them would shoot an arrow over the wall, to listen who'll holler "ouch"? Had a single arrow come into Jerusalem, Isaiah would not be a spokesman for God.Consider prophecies regarding the Messiah. There are over 300 detailed predictions.He shall become a man and His name shall be God.: Isa 9:6-7 (8th century BC)He would be born in Bethlehem. He would be King.


That He is alive from Everlasting:. Micah 5:2-3.King David called Him Lord (God): Psalm 110:1-4 (10th century BC)He shall be King, a branch of David...and His name shall be God: Jarem 23:5-8 (7th century BC)That He shall be despised and rejected: Isa 53:3; Psa 118:22-23 (David 10th century BC)He shall bear our sins and punishment: Isa 53:4-6; 63:9He shall ride on la donkey into Jerusalem: Zech 9:9-10 (6th century BC)He would not defend Himself against His enemies: Isa 53:7; 43:1-4He shall be beaten and disfigured; He shall affect many nations: Isa 52:13-15 He would be imprisoned, tried and killed: Isa 53:8 They would pierce His hands and feet: Psa 22:16They would divide His clothes and cast lots for His coat: Psa22:17-18The Father shall forsake Him (momentarily) the moment He takes our sins upon Himself and He shall cry out: Psa 22:1 Not one of His bones will be broken (upper nose is cartilage) Exod 12:46; Numb 9:12; Psa 34:20He would be buried in a rich mans tomb: Isa 53:9 He shall rise from the dead: Isa 53:10; Psa 16:10Because of Him many shall be counted righteous: Isa 53:11-12The 70 weeks of Daniel contain prophecy, showing the exact day, when the Messiah would present Himself at the Temple, to be "cut off" (killed) - Daniel 24-27. Seventy weeks represent 490 years that God would treat with Israel before the coming of Christ as King (1 year is 1 day, Gen 29:15-18; Numb. 14:34) These years begin only at the moment the commandment to rebuild Jerusalem is given (March 14, 445 BC -4th decree, by Antexerxes (Nehemiah 2:1-8).


Allow 360 days for Hebrew year. The exact calculations are available. God stopped the clock at crucifixion. Only 7 years, "1 week", remain. They start the moment a Prince of the new Roman Empire signs a treaty with Israel, guarantying it's borders. Again, you have an exact countdown for the 2nd coming of Jesus (not rupture) predicted.All of these are out of the Old Testament. These are only some of the prophecies. The chance of even half of the 300 prophecies being fulfilled by chance are one against a number so astronomical that it exceeds the number of atomic particles in the postulated universe.


The Sanhedrin had an excuse, however, because both Messiah, the sacrificial Lamb and Messiah, the King and Governor are predicted, almost side by side. Today, again, the second coming (as King and Judge) confuses all but a remnant. In (almost) one breath the Lord will come quickly (suddenly), where no man knows the day (rapture) and as King, announced with an exact countdown of 7 years and by plagues and events that completely dwarf the plagues of Egypt (Judgment and Millennium Rein). If only those "infallibles", who claim to hear from and speak for God, would give some prophecy as evidence! God gave it throughout the Bible. How about a weather forecast for a moth, ex-cathedra?

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