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Article Contents:


The Law of Moses and Tithing

The Law of Christ and Tithing

Pastor or Pistor?

Pistors Promotion of Tithing

The Disastrous Consequences of Greedy Pistorship

       Legal Aspects (Fraud)

       Spiritual Aspects (False Gospel)

       Political Betrayal (Sold Us Out…)

Conclusions and Return to Pastorship

What can a trapped Christian do?





In the Law of Moses provision was made for tithing to support the entire tribe of Levites, widows, orphans, strangers and the poor. The Levites were allowed neither property nor inheritance. Tithing supported the whole tribe.


Heb. 7:7 And verily they that are of the sons of Levi, who receive the office of the priesthood, have a commandment to take tithes of the people according to the law, that is, of their brethren, though they come out of the loins of Abraham

Deut 26:12 When thou hast made an end of tithing all the tithes of thine increase the third year, which is the year of tithing, and hast given it unto the Levite, the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, that they may eat within thy gates, and be filled




The law of Christ has replaced the law of Moses.


Heb 8:13 In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.


New Covenant under Christ eliminates the Law of Moses, unless Christ himself reaffirms any specific law.


Heb. 7:12 For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law.


The priesthood of Levites is no more and the need of a tithe to support them is no more. Christ Jesus is our ONLY High Priest and Intercessor now. The change in priesthood results in a change of the Law.


With coming of the Messiah the Law of Moses was replaced by the Law of Christ. Many old rules were dropped from the law and many new rules were added.


Cor. 9:7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.


This is THE END of all enforced, MANDATED tithing and giving. All CHRISTIAN giving is voluntary, not by law. YOU CANNOT TELL ANYBODY HOW MUCH TO GIVE. Tithing is no more.




There are several wonderful PASTORS, absolutely dedicated, committed to serve Christ and their fellow Christians. If they have any money at all, it all goes to the service of others, their congregation or to missions. Neither can they be silenced on any political-moral issue or legal threat to our liberty. No matter what the “government” may say!


But there are unfortunately also some real bad eggs around, pretending to be pastors. These are NOT pastors. We need a separate, new name for these people. How about PISTORS? These dear people make merchandise of the Word of God and their congregations, betraying God, their flock and their country. 


It is said, that greedy, money grinding, independent Pistors have now multiplied like a disease, like an epidemic everywhere. In their innermost being they may not even believe in God at all. They LOVE themselves a lot more than their congregations. They ALL share the same “common denominator”, their love of money, YOUR money! And, oh, how they ALL insist on and lie about tithing!


These “independents” are responsible to nobody, teach whatever they like and hide their income from the world. They could declare it, at least, to their congregation; but this never happens.


Some of them own not only jet planes, but also private airports! How about stables and horse racing? You think I am kidding? Actual names are available. All of this is supported by “tithes” obtained out of the real need and poverty of their sheep.




Greedy Pistors will claim that the Money is for the Lord, but GOD DOES NOT NEED YOUR MONEY AT ALL. The tithing money was for the Levites and the poorest, not for God. If a pistor tells you the collection is for God, he is lying.


Today, these Pistors take all the money for themselves – and under the (USA) government’s elite tax-free status, but only under the government’s CONDITION that these “pistors” DO NOT TEACH THEIR SHEEP HOW TO VOTE. This eliminates an organized Christian participation in the electoral process. Informed voting is the only non-violent defense in a democracy left us, to obtain godly laws, to protect our kids and marriages. THE RIGHT TO INFORM AND ORGANIZE CHRISTIANS IS THUS NEGATED BY THE PISTOR’S GREED.


Are today’s pistors from the tribe of Levi, Children of Abraham? Are they an entire TRIBE, some one tenth of the total population? Are they forbidden to have property and inheritance?


Greedy pistors might say that Jewish priests, contemporaries of Christ, were tithing spices. Sure, these priests were still under the law, they were not Christians! (Verse states for these priests to tithe, not for you, Mat 23:23). How they love to quote Malachi, who lived under the Law of Moses, 400 years before Christ. Then the greedy might say that tithing existed even before the law, Abraham paying one tenth of the spoils of war to Malchisedek. But one tenth of spoils were not one tenth of all of Abraham’s total income. Why stress “before the law”? Many things were also before the law, including greed and sin. Being before the Law excuses greed and sin?


How much “tithing” did Paul collect? Or James? Or Peter? HOW MANY PASTORS SERVE our God and their flock today, like the early Christians, IN DIRE POVERTY, PERSECUTED, LOVING OUR LORD UNTO DEATH? The “church” buildings are not important, neither are wealthy pistors, but God and His people are. They are the only church.


THERE IS NO RECORD OF ANY TITHING AMONG CHRISTIANS. It passed away with the Law of Moses. And then there are no disinherited Levites, either, all went into dispersion 70 AD. Greedy pistors might point out that the New Testament passages are about giving, not tithing, and that tithing is something else, still due to the pistors. But in the New Testament there is never tithing; only giving. Give, not pay. Free gift, not obligation, not a charge. A tithe was enforced; it was a payment, a charge. Tithing does not exist under the Law of Christ. Neither do we have priesthood or a temple. We have only Christ and the Bible, and the resulting WORKS, for every REAL Christian.




The consequences forced upon all of us by existing greedy, money-grinding ”pistorship” are actually extremely serious. Ponder the enormous implications and resulting consequences:


 (5A) There is a LEGAL aspect, regarding tithing, under the New Testament


This involves soliciting by FRAUD, by deceit, by dishonesty a financial gain. In any other branch of commerce this is repaid by a residence in jail, or at least by trial and severe penalty.


(5B) There is even a stronger SPIRITUAL ASPECT to tithing.


To solicit tithes under the New Covenant is really a preaching of WRONG DOCTRINE. This carries a CURSE OF GOD upon the wrong doctrine and upon the PERSON preaching it:

THERE IS A GREAT DEAL MORE HERE THAN DECEPTION, greed and outright theft involved, in teaching to tithe under the New Covenant. God’s Word contains very strict prohibitions against changing anything whatever in the Word of God. That applies not only to changing something in the Book. It applies EVEN MORE to ACTUALLY TEACHING (PREACHING) WRONG DOCTRINE, especially a doctrine falsified to secure financial gain. Has not the Lord placed a double curse on all who do it?


Galatians 1:8-9: But though we, or an angel from heaven, PREACH any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, LET HIM BE ACCURSED.
9. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man PREACH any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.


Any other gospel? Tithing under the Law of Christ is CERTAINLY ANOTHER GOSPEL! Is it a wonder that organized Christianity has plunged where it is now?




is leading the entire flock into the hands of Satanists. What is the function of a pastor of sheep? Is it not to protect them against the wolves and thieves? To lead them to pasture and back to safety? The war of American independence was fought from the pulpits. It freed us from religious persecutions in Europe. Now the Pistors are leading us back into the hands of (secret) devil worshippers and the coming persecution in America.


The betrayal consists in accepting the political BRIBE of a tax-free status in return for NOT TEACHING THE PARISHIONERS HOW TO VOTE. To withhold essential information! This way the most basic freedom of legal ORGANIZED Christian self-defense has been eliminated through the betrayal by the greedy Pistors.


The Pistors lying excuse is a pretended separation of Church and State, a lying illusion. We have no way to separate ourselves from the STATE, while the STATE is continuously separating us from worshiping and obeying our God. This is a ONE-WAY ONLY, lying separation, a betrayal of Christians. Take a look at “One Way Only Separation” in


A real separation of church and state was never intended by the founding fathers. The only document with similar language was a private letter of one of them, insisting that the state keeps his fingers off the church; never the reverse. “Give to Caesar what is Caesars, and to God what is Gods”, what does it mean? Everything is Gods, or will be again during the 1000 year reign of Christ. What is Caesars, really? An honest reward for Caesar, for a good and just administration, and jail for the opposite. No?


Can a follower of Christ be mute during the teaching and enforcing of SIN through satanic laws? Neither can he be mute while self-disguised devils seek the power to implement such laws against God and Bible, laws which destroy our families, marriages, children and our liberty to worship. “Separation of church and state” is a cheap, traitorous cop-out, to keep the MONEY and have a stupid excuse! This is a lying ONE-WAY ONLY separation. We are never permitted to separate ourselves FROM the STATE and its satanic laws.


RIGHT NOW, ONLY SATAN’S LAW IS ENFORCED in the conduct of marriage, divorce, abortion, homosexuality, “morality” in schools and the upbringing of children!


Thank you, Pistors.


Isn’t it curious, though, that the only thing these “Shepherds” principally retained out the whole Law of Moses is a fat wallet?


During the TRIBULATION, these dear Pistors will be your accusers, oppressors and torturers. Don’t you think? It has happened under Communism; most certainly it will happen under the Antichrist.





The conclusion is bitterly true. A Pistor demanding tithing is either ignorant of the Bible – in which case he should not be the spiritual leader at all – or, he does know there is no tithing- and lies, cheats (steals from) his congregation. 


But God warned us, this should not be unexpected.

Paul worked for his upkeep in danger and bitter poverty, and did not “demand tithing”, or even giving! Pastors can’t do this?


Acts 20:28-30. 33-34    

20:29 For I know this, that after my departing shall GRIEVOUS WOLVES ENTER IN AMONG YOU, not sparing the flock.


20:34 Yea, ye yourselves know, that THESE HANDS HAVE MINISTERED UNTO MY NECESSITIES, and to them that were with me.


How do you like that for CREDENTIALS? That is what we need to see in the lives of Pastors!


An honest Pastor should forget the tax-free exemption, pay his taxes, and help with voting, informing and teaching to support Christian candidates and oppose all legislation against the Law of Christ, especially in local elections, school elections. These satanic laws later hold every Christian for ransom.


They say that there are Pistors who never did an honest day’s work in their lives. Wednesday night and Sunday morning is their church workload and leaves a lot of time for an honest job, like changing tires or picking peaches. A note found in the collection plate says, “You want money? Work!”


Ponder that one.


Pastors, start defending us – your parishioners – at the polls!


Declare all income to the government and to the congregation and pay your taxes, like everybody else. Teach the congregation the needs of the church – and have NO payment received in secrecy, never reported- teach in honesty what is needed for the Church, debts, utilities and salary for the pastor and staff. How about simple honesty? Oh, how Pistors would hate that!


Drop the lies about tithing, but stress the needs of the church, needs for mutual help and needs for missions; the need to support Christians  for political office, urgent need for home schooling, need of assistance for each other, salaries, expenses, etc. give honest, verifiable information, like any honest enterprise, and pay your taxes like everybody else. Voluntary contributions of much more than 10% are very probable, if necessary, but only for a tremendous cause! Not to enrich a lying Pistor.


SURPRISINGLY, THERE MAY NOT EVEN BE ANY TAXES AT ALL. You don’t even need to call yourself a CHURCH. Call yourself a Club, League for Christ, or “Neighborhood Improvement Council”.


Eliminate the lure of FINANCIAL GAIN in Pastorship and, for certain, we shall finally get some honest servants of God. Crooks don’t sacrifice themselves for God.


The war of American independence was fought from the pulpits. It bought us our freedom from tyranny and feudalism and freedom to worship. Does anybody teach that? How does the future look now? In a while there won’t be any pastors either, unless they teach Satanism and homosexuality. What will happen then to your non-political tax-free status?




Some will leave, looking for a real Pastor and finding none, and are left without the support and fellowship of a real church.

Others might stop paying and demand compliance with some of the requirements listed above, before any payment to the Pistor is made. They might share information with other members with similar views. You can imagine the Pistors response. Only a really honest man can be amenable to any change. Generally, trying to convert a parasite will be useless.

USUALLY THE ONLY VIABLE, SUSTAINABLE ALTERNATIVE IS TO COMMENCE BUILDING YOUR OWN HOME CHURCH. Build it EXCLUDING ALL PERSONAL GAIN AND PROFIT, following above criteria. Consult my article “How to search for a Pastor or start your own home church” in Follow the footsteps of Paul and the apostles. Our God is a joy unspeakable and full of glory! We all are only pilgrims here. Serve God.

The eternal home for parasites and thieves is the abyss, followed by the lake of fire. They may not believe it, or believe in God, but that is their certain destination and good riddance.


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