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HOW MANY PASTORS SERVE our God and their flock today, like the early Christians, IN DIRE POVERTY, PERSECUTED, LOVING OUR LORD UNTO DEATH? The “church” buildings are not important, but God and His people are. They are the only church.


START A CHURCH IN YOUR HOME? Do not do it, UNLESS you are willing, like brother Paul, to accept NO money for yourself, to work for your needs, in grinding poverty, if need be, to SERVE and LOVE OUR LORD UNTO DEATH!

Read 2 Cor. 11:23-27 and 1 Cor. 4:11-13– will you be willing to suffer such things, if need be, for your God? If you are not willing, do not start any church!


How we need men of God, who are willing to do the above, not any more lazy parasites, trying to escape honest work! God wants truly honest, dedicated, brave, courageous man, willing to work for God under persecutions and poverty, loving our Lord till the end. I suppose, that would far too much to ask of a “Pastor”, what?


At the time of this writing the forces of Satan and Globalism have infiltrated most of the once Christian churches. It won’t be long before the Antichrist himself destroys this new, false, corrupted, greedy, money-grinding, tithing, “pretend church” and burns its bones.


In the meantime, where does a Christian seek a church?  How many of the little “independent churches” are no more than “businesses” to enrich “would be pastors”, trying to escape work?


Some of the mainline Protestant churches are pushed into marrying homosexuals or being close to it. Avoid the traps of the Devil. If you can’t find a REAL, HONEST, ACTIVE church, if God is truly first in your life, then start one in your own home. Obey the “Bible- Plus- Nothing” completely.


Dr. Noah Hutchings, the real heart and dynamo for nearly 60 years within Southwest Radio Ministries, writes about his own extensive experience, “It was then I learned that most men in full time ministry – church, missions, or communications – are often the most selfish, greedy, un-Christian people in the world. And not only that, many will cut your throat or stab you in the back if it is to their gain. Not all but many. That is just the way it is.” (p.145). This applied to the beginning 1960-ies. He continues, “I was beginning to learn that under the label of Christian ministries and promotions some of the most unsavory crooks in the world operate”. (Page 161, about 1970 ies, “As it is in the days of Noah”, 2009, Hearthstone).


If it was like that some 40 or 50 years ago, surely, it is much worse now. My own experience is even more tragic than that. Christianity need not operate under these conditions.


God gave mankind a Savior, His Son, and His Word, the Bible for salvation.

Organized religion (“Church”) has often become a wedge between God /Bible and man. It works often to separate man from God.





To the others, what can I say?


USUALLY the smallest and poorest of Bible teaching, Bible believing churches (if you can find them) are best. Investigate; is the pastor responsible – does he attend to his duties as pastor of sheep under God? At the church you see only a mask, not the real man, until you really need some help. Investigate.


1)Is he teaching the Bible and Bible only, without accursed contamination as in Gal. 1: 8-9? Is his Bible a King James Bible or is it already a corrupted, heretical “modern language” edition, adding contradictions on purpose, omitting and perverting central passages of the Textus Receptus? See “Bible Mutilation" in This information is a MUST reading for every Christian seeking Gods Word.


2)Does he lie about tithing (no tithing in the New Testament) and how honestly does he account for every dollar of income before the congregation? He is entitled to adequate support of the church and something fair for him and his family, but this is not tithing, which passed away with the Law of Moses and the need of livelihood for the whole tribe of Levites, who were forbidden to own property. (2 Pet. 2: 3,21; 2 Cor. 12:14)

3)Does the pastor go personally after every lost sheep as per Luke 15:4-5?                Or does he sit hiding behind his secretary and an appointment book, unavailable, disinterested?

4)Does the pastor support and advocate Christian home schooling, or is he content that you take your kids to public Sodom and Gomorrah?  Better still, does he organize home school circles?

5)Does he really love his flock or is he pretending? Nobody can pretend love for very long; it’s costly. By his fruits you shall know him.

6)Has the Pastor organized a “mutual help” unit(s) for discussion and actual help? This should be part of the service.  Gal 6:2  BEAR YE ONE ANOTHER'S BURDENS, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Gal 6: 7; 9-10  As we have therefore opportunity, let us DO GOOD UNTO ALL MEN, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

This is a wonderful method to form great friendships, good will and loyalty; instead of remaining strangers forever.

This has been avoided, like a plague, by many “pastors”, because it is extra work, which does not bring in money. It’s much more like spending money, not collecting.

7)Does the pastor provide voting (election) information and advice, to resist satanic laws and satanic politicians? What does he organize?


If you find a pastor obeying all above criteria, then rejoice! You have found an enormous treasure. Support him, love him, help him, and guard him and all your brothers and sisters. God has given you a very great gift.


If the answer is negative to these questions, it is really an indication of how much “Christian” leadership has plummeted in our day. Wolves in sheep clothing have called themselves “pastors” for a longest time, but these are NOT pastors. And no wonder, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light, to deceive you.  What did God say in Cor. 11:13-15: “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ”. Beware.


Your chances of finding a TRUE PASTOR, not a crooked, selfish, greedy public relations man, are growing more and more hopeless every day.




When you cannot find an HONEST, active church, then DON’T wait. NOW is really high time to appoint pastors from the “rank and file” of true believers, really godly and dedicated man, who know well the King James Bible, and FORGET all infiltrated seminaries (cemeteries). They don’t work for Christ.


Consider that virtually every revival, Old Testament and New, always came from outside any organized church.

The organized church, like the Sanhedrin priesthood, crucified Jesus. These organizations, historically, were His worst enemies. Has much changed?


They say, that today, all major denominations, Protestants and Catholics, have been infiltrated to such an extent by secret Satanists from the so called “Philanthropic Societies”, that many have become SPIRITUAL TRAPS, dead ends, leading into spiritual death. A new “Mystery Babylon”?


Nearly all the great revivals have been started by laity – not by any religious professionals. Christ Jesus did not appoint a single Jewish Rabbi as His disciple. Most of them were totally illiterate, only Paul was an educated member of the Sanhedrin. And before he encountered the resurrected Christ, he was the worst enemy Christianity had.


Why was that? Because God looks at the QUALITY of a man, at his innermost being, his character, not at his education, schools or “credentials”.


START A CHURCH IN YOUR HOME, but have an older, knowledgeable brother instruct. Judge him by his works; by his fruit you shall know him. Befriend one of his friends (or enemies) or get your kids to investigate him. It is essential that the instructor is mature and KNOWS and OBEYS the BIBLE- and let it be ONLY a KING JAMES BIBLE- and has had experience in life and evidence of good works – otherwise, in spite of good intentions; you might be leading your flock astray. You do the organizing. Send your “self-esteem” and all psychology where it belongs, to the devil. Jesus washed feet.


How do you find a true brother to serve your church? You will indeed be surprised. ASK HIM. If you need to look, look for one in other congregations. In many lost churches there are still some real Christians looking desperately for a way to serve our Lord. Every real Christian will delight in thus serving our Lord, sacrificially, without pay! If he wants money, or claims he’s busy, keep clear of him by a wide berth! We have an abundance of false imposters. Most certainly we do not need another one!


START A CHURCH IN YOUR HOME? Do not do it, UNLESS you are willing, like brother Paul, TO DO IT FOR GOD, NOT FOR YOURSELF;  to accept NO financial help, to work for your needs, in poverty, if need be, to SERVE and LOVE OUR LORD UNTO DEATH!


Start with a weekly Bible Study – with your family, friends and neighbors to start. The BIBLE study should always be the heart of any “service”, of any “church”. Avoid all concerts and “church” theatrics.


Use materials in MYGODSREMNANT.INFO, or use your own. Above domain is really organized for you to start a home-church. Follow up after Bible study with “HELP EACH OTHER” or “problems” discussion. Set up an effective “help others” group. Include periodically a LOCAL POLITICAL STRATEGY session. Spread the WORD. Avoid all rituals, concerts and ceremonies.


Christianity is not a religion. It has no rituals, no man’s traditions, no man’s observances. IT HAS ONLY CHRIST JESUS AND GODS WORD (UNCORRUPTED BIBLE). That’s all. But it always has REAL, VISIBLE WORKS.


On the international and national scene it is probably impossible to affect any real change in these days. Satan and his children have stealthily and very effectively seen to that. BUT IT IS POSSIBLE TO AFFECT SIGNIFICANT CHANGES ON THE LOCAL SCENE: inside your own family, neighbors, among your friends and small congregation, in the local school elections, local government election and local administration.


The war of independence was fought from the pulpit. As a home church pastor, get all the information before every election and teach your flock well HOW TO VOTE. The traitor pastors receive tax free status for not doing that. We have only one non-violent way to protect the flock (your sheep, entrusted to you by God) and our whole country – by NOT VOTING FOR DEVILS who implement more satanic laws, but by NOMINATING LOCAL CHRISTIANS, then SUPPORTING them, at least in all local and school elections.


The devil government, from its beginnings, neutralized the present, profit seeking, “church” by bribing it with a tax free status, which is forfeited as soon as the pastor is active in politics. Not to lead the sheep to protect our laws and Christian values is a type of treason against God (for a “pastor”, keeping sheep for wolves) as well as to our country. It’s a small wonder that our liberty and prosperity is going down like a lead balloon. Declare your church income, like everybody else, and pay your taxes and teach every voter how to defend the faith! You don’t even have to call it a church. Call it a Brotherhood in Christ, a “Club” or whatever you want. But be a real pastor, interested and always helping, protecting your sheep, never far away from their problems. God will give you a REAL family to love and be loved.


DO NOT accept money for being a pastor. Money corrupts almost everybody. How did Paul proceed as pastor? We are all very temporary pilgrims here. NEVER ENRICH YOURSELF WITH “GODS” MONEY. Use it for the needs of the congregation, for local “elections”, for “Chick’s Gospel Tracts”, for spreading the Gospel, for home schooling kids.


Be armed against the coming attack from Satan. It will arrive, maybe stronger than against the rest of us; an attack of LUST (sex, temptations), GREED (money, more money, tithing), EGO (self-esteem – am I not wonderful?). Especially guard against Ego: 1 Tim 3:6 Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil. Jesus washed feet. Cant you? Proverbs 16:5: Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD.


The war of independence was fought from the pulpits. It bought us freedom from tyranny and feudalism; freedom to worship and to live godly lives without persecution. That certainly was political! Nobody teaches that? Remember, that nearly all revivals came from OUTSIDE the organized church! They came from the laity. Ponder that. Ask yourself, why is that? 


My prayers will be certainly with you, dear brothers in Christ.






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