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Does faith equal works? If you live near the beach and receive a message of a 100 foot tsunami approaching, what will you do? Accept the warning intellectually and say, ya, ok, ya,,ok..and ignore it.? If you believe the message, you’ll run like hell.Such is an inevitable consequence of belief, or faith, in the truth of the message. And yet a much greater disaster is approaching every one of us from an enemy, the enemy of everything that lives.


Faith in the Biblical Jesus alone saves; but this faith is never alone, it always has works. You can see why. Add to this the fact that God is love. To feel His presence is to love Him and follow Him out of love. But beware, there are many false christs and false religions, which deny His deity, His creation of everything, His sacrifice and love, His position in the Bible. Faith in these false christs will avail you nothing, apart from an entrance to hell. Once you deny the real Christ, you pay for your sins yourself.


Add to this also that there is not a single commandment of God, the God of the Bible, which is for the benefit of God. Think of it! Every one of Gods commandments is for the benefit man and the society of man. Ponder that. There are those who advocate that to have Christ you must obey him – show fruits. That is true, in a way. If you want Christ, you will study and obey the Law of Christ. For those, rejecting this system, there are negative promises (disaster) for obeying Satan or our own fallen nature.


1 Cor. 6: 9-10 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 6:10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortionists, shall inherit the kingdom of Go  


¿No sabéis que los injustos no poseerán el reino de Dios? No erréis, que ni los fornicarios, ni los idólatras, ni los adúlteros, ni los afeminados, ni los que se echan con varones, Ni los ladrones, ni los avaros, ni los borrachos, ni los maldicientes, ni los robadores, heredarán el reino de Dios.


Some will simply not make it, God says. But that kind of behavior shows a colossal lack of FAITH in Christ Jesus – Who He is, why He came, what He says.To obey voluntarily you must have faith first. Otherwise why would you obey voluntarily? Then how about the thief crucified beside Jesus? He did not have any works. But had he lived he would have had works. Obedience under the Law of Moses came out of fear, under Christ it comes out of love and faith.


Some of the health requirements under Moses were dropped, some others of compassion and peace, were added. Is it possible to lose ones salvation? Look up “Once saved, always saved?” There is a sin unto death (spiritually). Only those faithful unto the end, unto death, will make it.

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