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Some hundred and ten years ago cancer was so rare that it did not even appear as a major social health threat. Today mortality from cancer is second only to heart disease. It is expected that fatalities from cancer will, before long, outnumber any other cause of mortality.


Now how and why can this be?


The simple reason is that cancer is now said to be a prime money maker for Big Pharma, the immense Rockefeller- IGFarben cartel.  Of all diseases it is the most painful and horrible way to die and the costs during the final 6 months of life expectancy are virtually “right off the chart”. At this time they can be carried only by a type of NATIONAL HEALTH SCHEME, after exhausting all individual personal wealth.


Just as in banking, the debt is shifted from uncertain private ability to pay into a type of NATIONAL DEBT. The resources of the whole nation are made to pay for it, supporting manufacturing and marketing PROFITS for Big Pharma often in excess of 50, 000 percent!


As you can see, we have a war on poverty, on street drugs, on terror- and on cancer - and we are losing every “war” like nobody would ever believe possible!




 Because these things are actually desired, it is said, and promoted by very special interests, right here at home. Apart  from population containment (killing people) there is the incentive of profit. There is far more money to be made in keeping people sick than keeping people well and costs payable to the pharmaceutical industry are now no less than actual extortion. In spite of colossal expenses for health care Americans are nearly the sickest people on Earth.


Some of these dear people are now talking of a forthcoming mode of “living with cancer”. What a charming thought!


In America the only treatment allowed is cutting (surgery), burning (radiation) and poisoning (chemotherapy) and the 5 year survival rate, after truly incredible torture, is very close to 2%. Surgery must be extremely careful not to metastizize the malignancy and chemotherapy or radiation destroys the entire immune system, your natural defense. To obtain more effective treatment you have to leave the country.


The subject of cause and of treatment is far too voluminous to explore here. Check the internet, though even here headings like “cancer” seem to be policed.  Research the main causes of INFLAMATION due to pollution of water, food and air. Study the subject from a viewpoint of alternative medicine. Perhaps start with “Population Containment promotion of Cancers..” in – Articles (in ‘favorites bar’) – Population Containment. (If you are reading this in, just click across to articles and down) This will give you an introduction into avoiding some of the most obnoxious poisons pushed upon the helpless population and help you start a study of your own.


Some say that the OIL SPILLS in the most important fishing areas in America (Gulf of Mexico and Alaska) have left an un-removable carcinogenic burden upon sediment and the ocean shelf soil. They say that this polution will guaranty a tremendous increase in the incidence of cancer for centuries.


Cancer cells have twenty times as many sugar receptors as have normal cells. Sugar is a fertilizer to cancer cells and must be avoided at all costs. What artificial sweeteners can do to us, you can read in the Laetrile (Vitamin B 17, one of the most promising meds) might be available in America marketed as Apricot pits, or as an extract in capsules, but not as injection, obtainable (surprisingly) from internet sources. Some are available from Vitamins C, E, and selenium are freely available; check the dosage for cancer. Examine authors like Dr. Wm. Schnoebelen and many others in fields of medicine, nutrition and herbalism.  Dr. Berzynski, in Texas, managed to hang on in spite of terrible government persecution, offering verifiably high survival rates.


Outside of USA, hyperbaric oxygen treatments, high temperature (now in Canada, it seems), peroxide, Ozone, and many others are available, though probably costly. Check their survival rates.


Only an early effort to PREVENT cancer in addition to available effective TREATMENT, in spite of Big Pharma enforcements, holds out any significant promise of survival. Both remedies are denied you, denied intentionally and as much as possible, especially in America.


Lamentably, for many, it has become a matter of ‘to be or not to be’, this time without Shakespeare. It is that serious. Get busy, fight for your life and then try to help others. Start cancer prevention and support groups wherever you can.


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