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LUCIFERIANS – Deep Secrets of Evil Statecraft                              

By G. Walker


MAN and everything else alive on this planet has a merciless, relentless enemy. This ENEMY was and is a LIAR and a MURDERER from the very beginning – so says our God. You doubt it? His name is Lucifer or Satan and his associates are called Demons. His human followers are called Luciferians. There is a mystery in their iniquity, very difficult for us to understand. These beings experience a sexual-type pleasure from destroying you and every living creature, including, eventually, their own disciples. They delight in the betrayal and the agony of others.


Unto mankind these beings are fishermen. To man, they promise ‘godhood’, sex, greed and ego in return for separating us from our God. After that man is really defenseless against them. What they eventually deliver is spiritual death followed by eternal hell, for both the butchers and their victims. How long does it take for a fish to recognize the hook inside the bait? A fraction of a second? Man’s life is less than that compared to eternity.


In principle Satanism is the highest and most dangerous form of parasitism possible inside a living body of humanity; this body has served, unfortunately, as substrate for these devils for millennia.


The power and authority of EVIL is temporary and is limited by God to whatever concessions they can acquire from mankind, limited to whatever they can implant into the hearts of men. A Queen Witch of England (turned Christian) defined it on the “700 Club”: “Evil must oppose everything Christianity promotes and promote everything Christianity forbids; sin must multiply an Earth, so that Satan can rule here someday”.


This EVIL seeks direct power over mankind – by government, by economic control and by compulsory “education”. It becomes POLITICAL EVIL. What these people (under demon control) teach becomes IDEOLOGICAL EVIL. Here we shall consider only these two manifestations.




Look up on the internet the “The Protocols of the Wise Man of Zion” – a forgery released by the Luciferians to implicate the Jews.  The name “Chaldeans”, or “my brothers in Satan” were replaced by “Jews” or allusion indicating Jews.


To examine it, elect the real thing, not any commentary. Perhaps examine

Pray to Christ Jesus first, every time, before you listen to the demon (read the Protocols). This “writing”, in itself, embodies a lure with great satanic power. Release of these documents certainly achieved near total destruction of the Jews. They also achieved a shifting of blame from the Luciferians to somebody else – this time to the Jews. This maneuver prevented or delayed identifying the real devils themselves, globally. Nobody seems to associate the Protocols with today’s Global Elite.


INSIDE THE FORGERY, THE LUCIFERIANS LEFT A TRULY ASTOUNDING AMOUNT OF ROCK SOLID INFORMATION. This is information against themselves. Nobody seemingly associates this info with the current Global Elite or the Money Bags People behind it. This association has been shifted somehow, in worldwide perception, to the poor and largely innocent nation of the Jews.


THE PROTOCOLS EXHIBIT A LIVING PLAN, A GLOBAL DESIGN, AN EXACT CHARACTERIZATION AND EXPLANATION OF THE LUCIFERIAN AGENDA, THEIR METHODS AND THEIR PLANNING.  Remove the anti-Jewish innuendo written in and you are looking at pure statecraft, at incredible political and economic techniques. 


 The original source of all this is the “RED HORSE” (see ‘Articles’,, the Babylonian Devil Worshippers, who arrived in Europe from North Africa with the returning Crusaders in the 12th and 13th century. The Secret Societies and Banking operations in Europe started from right there. This has nothing whatever to do with the Jews.


Why implicate the Jews?


Satan tried already many times, during the last 3000 years, to eliminate the people, the message and our Savior. Check history. This latest successful propaganda nearly destroyed the entire nation during WW 2. God selected only one nation after the flood, to become servants and priests to mankind. It did not happen, but will happen during the thousand year reign of Christ. Even so, all prophets came out of Israel, all apostles came out of Israel, the Bible came out of Israel and our Savior came out of Israel, and there is none other. Orthodox Jewry was always an active enemy of Luciferianism. They would not join and kept others from joining.


Examine, “There are those who Still Blame the Jews…” and “Cosmic Riddle, the Bible and the Jews”, for more details, in, my articles.


Who are these Luciferians?  Look up “brotherhood of Darkness” on the internet. These nice people, the Luciferians, are all around you.  There are very few or no Jews there.



IDEOLOGICAL EVIL – a complete reverse history and reverse characterization has been invented.


The religion of Luciferians is the worship of and obedience to Lucifer or Satan, the principal traitor against God and against mankind. It is a religion and practice of the rankest parasitism. But there is certainly much more to it. Satanism is said to be a religion, always actively promoting throughout history, a specific lifestyle, a behavior, which is an exact opposite to the commands of the Bible. Their philosophy is self-gain (type of “humanism”) at the expense of all mankind. Their constant motive (actually commandment) in Satanism is based in GREED (robbery), SEX (anti-biblical sex) and EGO (evil power) accompanied by a mental block they all have, which might be no less than demon possession. It is said, they obtain, just like their demons, a sexual type pleasure from causing agony and suffering to everybody they can.


Every law of Satan is the exact and precise opposite to Gods Law; it is for the present and eternal destruction of man and the society of man. This certainly includes, eventually, the Devils Disciples also. Where God says “do not lie”, Satanism makes a requirement of lying. General McArthur, when informed of the death of President Roosevelt, declared, “That man…. would never tell the truth, if a lie could do as well!” Is there a hidden background to most important people today, far more than meets the eye?


While God demands “Thou shall not kill”, what do you suppose that Satanism requires? Throughout history, in every pagan religion, ritual murder has been required as “sacrifice” to demons. “Wars” can do as well, though, at this time, without public rituals of dedication.


The negative laws are not only taught, they are eventually enforced. This “religion” requires worship of en entire pantheon of demons and is characterized by demon possession, actual co-existence with demons, throughout. Some say, a fervent hope of Satanists is actually a future mingling of man, genetically, with demons. They say this will be virtually “man becoming god”, or at least, a half-demon. In effect, this will serve to eliminate humanity, genetically and otherwise. Confronted by a GIANT Naphalim, who do you suppose will dominate?


Within Secret Societies the instruction of new members is very gradual until promotion of sin has separated the man completely from God and Satanism can be taught directly throughout the advancing degrees.


An entire “Reverse History” (reverse to the Bible) has been invented, where evil is hailed a s good and good is condemned as evil. THEY TEACH SATAN IS MORE POWERFUL THAN the GOD of the Bible. They blame our God, the God of the Bible, for the Flood of Noah; saying “He killed them all”. If Satan is that powerful, why did Satan not prevent the Flood? If Satan’s will is Law, why does Satan have to wait for sin to multiply on Earth before he can reign? Why does he have to wait for the key to the Abyss? Why not get it anytime? He gives the Luciferian Elite his usual lies and betrayal. Their minds are tied, blinded, prevented from thinking what is coming to each of them. What is coming will be, to every Luciferian, a colossal surprise (Rev. 6: 15-17).





The protocols apparently have been used as a motivational and teaching tool some 200 years ago. Some of it, with small changes only, is used today.


There are supposedly two versions of the Protocols, one for the UNCONVRTED Masons and the other version for CONVERTED Mason-illuminati only. Some say, that many have died to bring you some of this information.


Among the UNCONVERTED of the same level (active Degree) each presentation of the Protocols had to be tailored to the recipients, separately tailored for the English, separately for the French, the Germans, the Russians, the major minorities within these above nations and the for the Jews. The appeal had to be historically important to each separate people and centered on their specific aspirations and their hatreds.


The Protocols launched after WW1 from England were composed and created for the insruction of Jews. Jewish recruits within Luciferian Masonry played, reportedly, a significant part in the Communist revolutions. But they, in no way, represent their invisible masters and owners, who directed this sad part of recent history.


The Protocols taught to the CONVERTED Mason-Illuminati are said to be greatly different, eliminating all seemingly moral aspirations and description of any utopian well-meaning future government. They are said to contain additionally discourses of absolute obedience and reinforcement of Luciferian Law (exact reverse of Biblical Commandments) and, surprisingly, they teach a future arrival of DEMONS, followed by demon hybrids (third appearance of GIANTS – Daniels 10 toes Kingdom), currently hailed a genetic up breeding, as a genetic quantum leap for mankind. A committee of seven Learned Men of Babel  is to control the world divided into ten kingdoms, administered by ten Luciferian Kings.


These instructions are said to require a severe reduction of the global population and a future government, which must encompass a full return to FEUDALISM, great Lords and Ladies, in their colossal, luxurious  estates, worshipped as gods, with god-like authority based on science, oppressing scientifically ignorant slaves in an eternally hopeless existence of inhuman Luciferian degradation. 




Can anything be profitably attempted now?


Now let us look at the whole mess with a current but Christian perspective. The great Apostasy, the great falling away (immense immorality) and the coming of the man of sin, Satan’s Antichrist, had been predicted now for thousands of years.


Every prophecy of the God of Abraham and Jesus Christ ALWAYS comes exactly true. The Antichrist has to come.


If it were possible to reverse the present evil and return to a more moral environment, this would mean that all the inhuman suffering which mankind endured by these devils to usher in the Son of Perdition (this far) would only have to be repeated again. It is, just, not worth it, Old Boy!


Consider also, that never, in all history of mankind, has there existed such obstacles to revolution as there are now; such capacity of the captured governments for electronic SPYING upon every person. There has never been a UNIVERSAL, global, conspiracy, now in almost total  control of all mass media and there has never been such an immense disparity between the ARMAMENT of the public and that of the state. And if any nation could liberate itself from this iron vise, it would certainly face a WORLD WAR only a few years later and get what Hitler got, or far worse.


It must be much cheaper at this stage to let the whole mess run its course.


Let evil destroy itself, as intended, in open view, with all the intelligent creation of God looking on (my opinion), and finally make room for a new Heaven and a New Earth, with Christ Jesus as our own, global, incorruptible, King! After all, at this moment every true Christian is only a pilgrim here, in  transit to another reality, another dimension. This world NOT our home. The God who can design a living flower, who can build a infinitely complex  being such as a lving Lamb or flying bird  - the same God can also easily devise a way to pick up and conserve our human consciouslness and personality and translate it  into the realm of His infinite love.


The Luciferians are in transit also, but they do NOT know where they are going. They have been properly blinded by their Evil Fisherman, before being transferred into the frying pen. If they could have perceived reality unhindered, they would have never served their real worst enemy.


In my view it would be unwise to waste time and lives in revolt and invite additional agony to no avail. Let us use all the remaining time we have left to best advantage and obey our Lord, the only true God, and TEACH THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST JESUS TO EVERY CREATURE, every day of our lives, until the new day downs for us all.


Much or most of the present, comfortable, greedy, money grinding and tithing “church” has corrupted itself, its message and its example. It is time for EVERY CHRISTIAN to ignore this false leadership and become independently God’s missionary in LOVE and in TRUTH and help save what can be saved for a our exceedingly bright eternity, working continuously wherever we might find ourselves in our global dispersion. 


If you absolutely don’t know what to do or how to do it, try buying (15 cents a booklet) CHICK TRACTS (, Tel. 909 987 0771) and give several away daily. Each contains a comic-style, very readable message, available in many languages. You can select the better ones yourself. I do not like to endorse any commercial product, but this one is not a commercial product, it is a rather wonderful, totally inexpensive, below cost, service. For a dollar a day you would have given a very readable message of Christ to six or seven people. All for the price of half a cup of coffee. Don’t kid yourself. This amounts to a powerful ministry already; and without any real effort or cost.







Care for a witness of history? In each of these examples both the promise and the consequences came from the hands of Satan’s followers within the Secret Societies (Luciferians), the promoters of the will of Satan. They use the same technique as their spiritual father. Thousands of examples can be cited. Every single lie was ALWAYS followed by the same incredible BETRAYAL. Just look at a sample:


THE “FRENCH” REVOLUTION – The FIRST appearance of the Red Horse (of the Apocalypse -18th century).


 Satan’s Promise: The promise of Equality for all; Brotherhood (Fraternity) for all and Liberty (Freedom) for all.


Fulfillment of Satan’s promise: An incredible bloody terror, robbery and massacre of the French people. Murat and Robespierre declared, “If we cannot have France, we shall leave behind 8 million graves…” (Murder of one third of the nation). Read it in any history book.


A very similar final outcome in the inevitable future awaits individually also EVERY single disciple of Satan. After a bright promise comes the incredible reality. Can you hear the Devil laugh? Some have said, reading this, that they heard audible laughter.


COMMUNISM – The LAST appearance of the Red Horse.


Satan’s Promise: a noble, beautiful, unselfish, generous promise of helping each other and sharing in the prosperity of a just government, forbidding any rich minority to steal from or abuse the rest of the people.


Fulfillment of Satan’s promise: Stage Two was the murder of at least a quarter of its people and an oppression, torture and exploitation with a rein of EVIL, scarcely paralleled in the history of man, providing unbelievable degradation to all but (temporarily) some of the Elite.


The same final outcome awaits every disciple of Satan, the certain, final, destruction of every Luciferian Elite by their “father” Satan, in due time. Can you hear him laugh?




Satan’s Promise:  A wonderful and delightful promise, of abolishing WARS and replacing them with a responsible and noble World Court for Disputes; promoting a single language and an Age of Reason; protecting nations with fair laws and just courts, avoiding petty laws and officials; balance rights with social duties; price truth, beauty, love; seeking harmony with the”infinite” (Satan)…All that to be supervised by the noblest of minds and visionaries of this or some future Age. This is to be a most BENIGN imposition of World Government to be achieved by financial interdependence and mergers, eliminating all national and racial loyalty and all borders.


FULFILLMENT OF SATAN’S PROMISE, what will it be? What is the Biblical PROPHECY for this coming “dream of all ages”?


 If this is to be so BENIGN, then why did we need practically three bloody world wars (the third is against Islam) with their immense suffering, preceded by horrible revolutions everywhere and uttermost degradation by movements like ‘benign” Communism? If there are any BENIGN intentions then why have they promoted and created a useless, corrupt, abominable, horrible YOUTH globally? Why the promotion of illegal drug trade, installation of a global Mafia, the promotion of chronic degenerative diseases and new genetically engineered HIV, cancer and a host of new viruses? How benign is that? Why do we have destruction of our marriages, divorce, abortion, prohibition to discipline our kids and enforced indoctrination of our children in evil?


The first Globalist Commandment imprinted on Georgia Guide Stones is to reduce the world’s present population by some 93%! How do you suppose the “Very Benign Noblest Minds and Visionaries of this or some future age” will try to accomplish this?


Words, reportedly, are cheap, but actions true. It is not that goals hollow the means, but IT IS ACTUALLY THE MEANS WHICH EXHIBIT AND DETERMINE THE GOALS. Is it not this way in every religion?




God says that if these times (pinnacle of Illuminati Glory) were not shortened, nothing would have survived alive on this planet. Look it up in the Bible. God says that half of mankind will die during the few years of this glorious World Government. Any takers to be witnesses and to check out development of the giant promises of these Devils in Stage-Two?


As these Noblest Minds and Visionaries lie to us, so does their god Satan lie to them. The same FINAL outcome awaits also EVERY disciple and victim of Satan, both here and hereafter. Can you hear Satan laugh? Some, reading this, have heard audible, satanic laughter.




Now, if Satan controls progressively this world system today, the governments, the news, the media, politics, wars and religions, then WE ARE BEING FED NOTHING BUT LIES. The same is fed to the Satanic Elite, as well. The only things we can trust are the Words of God.

I prefer to trust God.




Some say, to obtain the truth you must search for the exact opposite to the Devils promise. The exact opposite will be very close to the truth.


Note the language: “Through its portals (Masonic pyramid- symbol of “ascension”) passed the illumined of antiquity. They entered as men. They left as gods”


What does that mean? The PYRAMID is taught as a symbol of ascension, REVERSE THE MEANING AND YOU GET A SYMBOL OF PERDITION. What does it really represent? It is undeniably a symbol and mechanism for the satanification of man, a preplanned moral demise of a normal human being. The illumined of antiquity are men illumined, OR INDOCTRINATED BY SATAN, devil possessed, empty shells which used to be men. They entered as men. THEY LEFT AS LOST, DEMONIZED VICTIMS TO SHARE FOREVER THE FATE OF DEMONS. (“Through its portals passed the devil possessed of antiquity. They entered as human beings, they left as demonized empty shells, into perdition”)




In every case, the devil will give a promise of lies, followed by uttermost destruction. IN TRUE IMITATION OF A FISHERMAN, THE DEVIL WILL OFFER A RICH WORM STUCK ON HIS HOOK - PLEASURE, SEX, RICHES AND POWER (EGO) – BUT FOR HOW LONG? AFTER THAT WHAT HAPPENS TO THE FISH? How soon does the fish discover that there is a HOOK inside the worm which he swallowed? And discover what the hook is for?


There never was a WORM offered without the HOOK, to either “rabble” or to the “Elite”. Is that important? It sure is, to the poor victim made ready for eternal agony. How soon does the fish discover that there is HOOK inside the worm? Within a second? Our life here is less than a second compared to eternity.



God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man soweth, that he shall also reap. Real devils lead you directly into eternal Hell.


For Luciferians, reading this:


By contrast, the proud enemies of Christianity are facing an eventual future of indescribable horror, which cannot be even imagined by anybody in this world. Satan does not fool around. He means business and his business is to lie, to betray and cause eventually infinite suffering to EVERYONE he can touch. EVERY DISCIPLE HE TAKES, HE TAKES KNOWINGLY INTO ETERNAL DESTRUCTION. Satan knows it. His disciples do not and keep trusting these Devils. How would anybody like a master like that?


It is incredible that the Luciferian Elite does not suspect that. These are highly intelligent people and they don’t even suspect that? They insist on trusting the ultimate betrayer and deceiver. This is doubly difficult to understand considering that every Luciferian knows that man does NOT live only for this world alone. They know there is another reality, another dimension and eternity out there. They don’t know that eternal JUSTICE will be also out there.


It may not be too late – to escape uttermost disaster in a bleak eternity. IF YOU FEEL THE URGE TO ESCAPE Satan, then it is not too late. Christ Jesus will forgive you, regardless what you may have done. First ask Christ Jesus for protection, to remove the mental interference of demons. Then pray the invitation below.

If you prefer not to escape, then good luck! How long will you still enjoy chewing Satan’s fishing WORM? And after that? God says you will fry forever. God never lies. Satan always does.

Men are not lost because they are sinners; they are lost because they have rejected Jesus who died for them. The ultimate treasure is not creation, it is the Creator. Any CONCEIVABLE sacrifice in this world is worthwhile to find our Lord and to belong to Him!


After this, check out the guide in “How to read the Bible and clean up your life” in (under Discipling Bible Studies).  It’s made for you.


Where ever you are now and whatever you have been doing, run, run away from the devils. Nothing is more important to you than your eternal future. You don’t have to agonize forever just because other devils want you to.




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