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Eighty percent of Christians in universities lose their faith. Do you want the antidote?“The Theory of Evolution changed us from a Christian to a pagan nation”, according to a host of observers. They say that evolutionary propaganda has changed us from a Christian people to a pagan nation. This is how important evolutionary lies are to the Establishment. This is why no instruction in Creation Science is permitted; why anyone opposing evolution may be rapidly without a job. Unless you provide an EFFECTIVE VACCINE against this attack, evolutionary propaganda, coupled with temptations, will most likely crush the FAITH of your kids. They MUST know the TRUTH about “evolution”, this really does set them free. The antidote is the EVIDENCE AGAINST THIS EVOLUTIONARY PHANTASY – and it must be taught repeatedly before your children enter university. If you fail in this, you are likely to lose them for the Lord. They say 80% of Christian Children lose their faith entering Satan’s universities. You can’t argue with facts. Why do you lose the kids? Because all immorality, sex, rebellion, stealing, lying, murder – every self-destructive conduct and socially destructive behavior is immediately SUPPORTED through a BELIEF in EVOLUTION. The “acceptance of evolution” changes a person’s world view and behavior.


The main impetus for accepting these “beliefs” is immediately provided by our fallen, human nature, by temptations; certainly NOT by a search for scientific truth or evidence. To date there is absolutely NO evidence or proof for evolution. There is no way to prove evolution. Evolution must be accepted by FAITH alone; it is in reality a RELIGION. The difference between their religion and ours is that their religion is state supported; and we are all paying for it. On the other hand, THERE IS SOLID, INCONTRAVERTIBLE SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE AGAINST EVOLUTION, WHICH IS RAPIDLY AND CONTINEOUSLY MOUNTING. This, the Establishment is desperately trying to hide. EVOLUTIONARY FAIRYTALEThere are several evolutionary phantasies, like Cosmic Evolution (Big Bang); Chemical evolution (all elements originating from hydrogen); Origin of Life by chance, not design; one different type of animal changing into another different type; and so on. All of these are idiotic pipe dreams without a shred of scientific evidence whatsoever.


The evolutionists know that, so they present to the impressionable students VARIATION WITHIN SPECIES – like a variety of dogs from one pair – as evolution. VARIATION is true and does exist, but this is in NO WAY ANY EVOLUTION. It is VARIATION WITHIN THE SPECIES, DESIGNED this way (design, not chance). Every dog has all the characteristics of every dog possible for the variation, but some characteristics are dominant (his dog type) and all the others are recessive. No one has ever seen or produced a non-dog from a dog. Nobody has seen or produced one species changing INTO ANOTHER SPECIES. Insects and animals mutilated (miss births) by radiation, revert immediately, freed from mutilating intervention (if still capable of procreation), into the exact, original species. Most evolutionists well realize (but silently) that their theory is in reality a “evolutionary disaster”, insupportable scientifically; merely a crude attempt of ideological antireligious propaganda, enforced by the establishment. In the forefront of this “evolutionary disaster” (deficiencies or “holes” in the evolutionary theory) are the SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS, FOSSIL GAPS, NO KNOWN MECHANISM for evolution and EMERGING EVIDENCE FR A YOUNG EARTH. SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS The Second Law of Thermodynamics is the Law of Devolution; completely opposite to evolution. This is a physical, universal law. It is no theory. It is solid, reproducible scientific fact.


There are no exceptions. Everything NATURAL always declines devolves; never occurs the opposite to devolution. This applies to all design, chance, every type of mechanism and process. Order, by itself, always goes down, never up; it devolves, never evolves. Even in the simplest chemical reaction the equilibrium is reached only at maximum entropy – maximum disorder (maximum devolution). FOSSIL GAPS “My attempt to demonstrate evolution by an experiment carried on for more than forty years has failed…It is not even possible to make a caricature of an evolution out of paleobiological facts. The fossil material is now so complete that…the lack of transitional series cannot be explained as due to the scarcity of the material. The deficiencies are real, they will never be filled. The idea of an evolution rests on pure belief! Herbert Nilsson, Director of Botany Institute, Lund University,In “Synthetische Artbildung”, Vol, 1 & 2, Darwin himself wrote in the very beginning, “The absence of transitional forms is the greatest objection…that can be urged against the theory”. What’s changed? Seven times did Darwin write, “if you want support for the theory of evolution, DO NOT look into the fossil record!” What is the evidence of the fossil record? The fossil record shows an “explosion of life”, all life forms appearing SIMULTANEOUSLY, and not any sign of a transition from one form to another. Neither does it show any separation in time between, say, trilobites and man fossils.In the very same strata, together, we encounter trilobites (supposedly half a billion years old), dinosaurs (supposedly some hundreds of millions years old) and man as well as man’s artifacts. Together; one with another. ALL WERE PRESENT AT THE SAME TIME.


There is no time for “evolution”. All these “geological phantasies” don’t matter anymore The evidence shown by Dr. Clifford Wilson, Dr. Carl Bough and a host of others is incontrovertible in the excavation of the Peloxi River in Glen Rose, Texas, as well as many other geological finds by reported by respected scientists. The same is true globally, wherever the Smithsonian Institute and its sister installations run by the Evolutionary Establishment did not manage to suppress or hide or eliminate this information. Almost sounds like a plot? IT IS, this is bitterly and horribly true. The POLYSTRATE FOSSILS, fossils which extend vertically THROUGH SEVERAL GEOLOGIC STRATA (roots in a strata “hundreds of millions years older” than the trunk, something which is impossible) are incontrovertible evidence of a single burial, not a number of successive burials, in fact a colossal burial by a cataclysmic eruption of water, mud and silt, entirely on a global scale. The polystrate fossils are everywhere and can be dated by carbon 14 to the same exact period. It is experimentally verified that a CATASTROPHIC ERUPTION OF WATER, MUD AND SILT into a habitat of fish, reptile and mammals, proceeding more slowly, will favor exactly the same distribution of fossils as it is present in the so-called “geologic column”. This is a function of the creature’s motive capacity, specific density, post mortem bloating, intelligence, etc. The GEOLOGIC COLUMN, in reality, DOES NOT EXIST, except in textbooks. Their idiotic dating of strata and index fossils is pure circular reasoning. One side of a museum they will tell you that they know the age of an “index fossil” by the strata where it was found, at the other end of the museum they will claim to know the age of the strata by the presence of the same “index fossil”. This is no dating at all; it is an idiotic circular reasoning. Into this type of “dating” the establishment DOES insert ANY DATE THEY WANT, and change it anytime they want. What is almost incredible is the Establishment’s dishonesty, its capacity to lie.


They call it “science”. For example, the evidence for the “Nebraska Man”, which through a court trial pushed Evolution into all American schools, was based on a single tooth of a pig. You think these “evolutionary scientists” printed a retraction or apology? Never. The intentional DECEPTIONS PERPETRATED by the Establishment against scientific truth put even the worst wartime propaganda to shame. The Heidelberg Man was constructed from a single jaw bone which was quite human. The Piltdown Man was fabricated from a single jawbone of a modern ape. The Peking Man, supposedly 500,000 years old, is pure fabrication as all “evidence” has disappeared. The Neanderthal Man has been shown to belong to an old man suffering from arthritis and the Cro-Magnon Man is equal in physique and brain capacity to Modern Man. The bewildered student at school looks at series of pictures, or sculptures, showing ape like creatures looking more and more human. He thinks that these are pictures of fossils actually found. No effort is made to tell him the truth- that these are photos of a phantasy, a “sculptor’s license”, mere clay and plastic shaped intentionally this way to support a lie. NO KNOWN MECHANISM FOR EVOLUTION Only reproducible evidence constitutes a scientific fact. If, for example, a solution is said to contain lead it is mere hearsay (theory) until a reproducible test for lead has been conducted and the analysis is positive for lead. EVOLUTION in the midst of a universal environment of DEVOLUTION (Second Law of Thermodynamics) cannot produce a single true example as evidence. In fact, there is no known mechanism for evolution at all! EVIDENCE FOR A YOUNG EARTHIf science and math bothers you, just read the commentary and conclusions. Technical info has been simplified as much as possible while still conveying the main idea. This information might be a surprise to some fellow scientists. This is because very few specialize in dating techniques, and most of these who do are dependent upon the Establishment. It is also an indication of the iron control of the Establishment over what the American people think. All radiological dating, except C14, is NONSENSE, because “mother” and “daughter” elements are both naturally occurring.


There is no way of determining their specific concentrations at time zero. For more detail see the APPENDIX at the end of the article. If these dating techniques are really a phantastic ideological hoax, then how old is the planet? How old are fossils? When did life appear? What measurement techniques can we employ? THERE ARE A GREAT NUMBER OF ONGOING NATURAL PROCESSES, APART FROM THE ABOVE DESRIBED, WHICH MEASURE TIME. For example: (1) CARBON 14 DATING C14 carries tremendous advantages. Carbon 14 is not naturally occurring. Radioactive C14 is formed in the upper atmosphere by collision of naturally occurring C12 with space radiation. The analysis is based upon decay (devolution) of radioactive C14 into N14, with a half-life of app. 5700 years. The technique involves examining the remains of animals and plants, which exchanged carbon with the atmosphere by respiration, or ingestion of once living matter, which also respired same C14. Since there are currently 765 atoms of C14 for each 1 billion atoms of C12, after some 50 000 years there shouldn’t be enough C14 atoms to count. It was expected that only the most recent fossils could be dated with C14. Imagine the consternation, the shock, when everything, all fossils, all coal, crude oil, in fact, everything, which once lived, showed a corrected age dating of less than 10,000 years! The correction in date calculations is necessary, because the formation and decay of C14 is not in equilibrium, and Libby, the inventor of the procedure, knew about it in early 1960, when high altitude rocket research supplied the data.


It is assumed that he purposely never corrected the original formula. Dr. Whitelaw, among many others, collected and corrected known fossil information, which had been dated with C14 and plotted the astonishing results. There appears a tremendous increase in plant and animal life, dating back about 7000 years ago, from near zero and peaking nearly 4500 years ago. This is followed by a decline to near zero immediately following 4500 years back, followed by a slow increase to present. Sounds very “Biblical”, doesn’t it? There was, essentially, nothing once living, which could not be dated to less than 10,000 years of age with corrected C14. Leaving paleobiological dating for a while, how about geological dating? How old is the earth if we CAN NOT trust the Establishments radiological and “circular reasoning” nightmare? (2) ACCUMULATION OF He4 (helium isotope)Helium-4 enters the atmosphere from solar wind and the decay (devolution) of Uranium rock. The atmosphere contains 3.5 x 1015 grams of He4The yearly gain of He4 is 3 x The loss of He4 is less than 106 and can be taken in this calculation as negligible. Dividing atmospheric content by yearly gain gives 10,000 year of accumulation of He4. Since the planet is likely to have to been capturing the same from the beginning of planetary existence, and assuming the rates to hold approximately constant, the planetary age indicated is approximately 10,000 years by this indicator. (3) FLUX OF CHEMICALS BY RIVERS INTO THE OCEANS The ages obtained by calculating flow rates for various chemicals are all over the place, but all of them are, in geologic time, are extremely recent.


The estimated amount of Uranium in oceans, for example, is 1015.The yearly flow of Uranium into oceans is in the order of 1011 Assuming the rates remain reasonably constant and dividing ocean content by yearly influx, we get what? Only 10,000 years. Again, flow rates cannot be guaranteed, but most certainly accumulation of these salts in the oceans are shown to be geologically most recent. (4) POPULATION STATISTICS The present population growth is nearly 2% per year. In the past, correcting for lack of medical advances and longevity, a growth of 0.5 % per year is historically acceptable, with population reductions of 70% every 70 years due to epidemics, old age and war. Using these figures we obtain 3.5 billion people in 4000 years from a single set of parents. If the Neanderthal type of man existed only one million years ago we obtain, at 0.5 % annual increase, about 102100 people on earth! Consider that the number of molecules in the entire earth is less than 1056! Population statistics clearly show that man on earth is much closer to 4000 years, nothing anywhere near the eons propagandized by the evolutionary establishment. (5) EARTHS MAGNETIC FIELD The earth’s magnetic field decays (devolves) exponentially, with a half-life of 1400 years. Assuming reasonably constant rates, a mere few hundred thousand years ago the earth’s magnetic field would have equaled that of a magnetic star, too hot for life to exist in the presence of magnetic and electrical currents, flowing against electrical resistance in the earths iron core.


Something there must be very recent indeed. (6) SUN’S DIAMETER The diameter of the sun is shrinking at a rate of 1% per century or 5 feet per hour due to gravitational collapse and loss of matter. These figures are not exactly publicized, perhaps because a lot of kids have calculators and the math is very simple. Similarly, the evidence in these measurements cannot be refuted. One million years ago the sun would have been so large that nothing would have survived on earth – but evolutionists say that present life forms were essentially 1 million year ago as they are now. In fact, they stipulate ages over 5 billion years back! (7) THE EARTH SPIN RATE is slowing (devolving) by 1 second per century. (Some measurements show rates much more rapid) If the earth were billions, or (now they say) trillions, of years old, the earths initial spin rate would have produced major geologic centrifugal distortions. The geological evidence doesn’t show such distortions.(This means that 1 million years back in time we gain 10,000 seconds, or approx. 2.8 hours. Every 10 million years the spin rate more than doubles and daylight is halved. The evolutionists speak of 200 million years just for recent fossils and 500 million years for the appearance of trilobites! This, by the way, is a neat and easy calculation – try it!) (8) METEORITE DUST Meteorite dust falling to earth is approximately 14 million tons per year. In 5 billion years, assuming the rate is constant, although the rate would be much higher in a younger (dirtier) system, we should see an accumulation of 265 feet, extremely rich in nickel and iron. There is no trace of it on earth or on the surface of the moon. EVERY CONCEIVABLE PROCESS, which could shed light on the age of this planet as well as the age of once living things, consistently argues for a YOUNG EARTH! MEASUREMETS OF HEAT radiated by Jupiter and Saturn (twice the energy they receive from the sun), solar system dust and the Poyntin-Robertson effect, pressure gradients in oil/gas deposits in permeable rock, mass-loss of short periods comets, escape of high velocity stars extrapolated to common point of origin, and many hundreds and thousands of investigated rate processes invariably point at a young earth. THE LONG GEOLOGICAL AGES INVENTED BT THE ESTABLISHMENT JUST AREN’T THERE.If they aren’t there, what about evolution? It takes infinitely more FAITH to believe in evolution, than to believe in God. ATHEISM is a RELIGION. There is no conceivable way to PROVE THERE IS NO GOD; especially when everything points to a special creation. Atheism rests on pure belief, on faith. It is a religion.


The difference between their religion and ours is that their religion is state supported. And we all are paying for it. APPENDIX: RADIOMETRIC AGE TECHNIQUES ARE A FAILURERadiometric dating of rocks is primarily based upon decay (devolution) rates of Uranium to lead (U238 to Pb206 + He, t1/2 or half-life of ab. 4.5 billion years), Potassium-Argon and Rubidium- Strontium. The mother elements (more complex) simply decay, according to the law of devolution, into simpler daughter elements over an estimated period of years and according to specific system parameters. A sample of the material to be dated is analyzed for both the mother and daughter elements and its age is calculated from the ratio of these two. For example, if at time zero there was no lead whatsoever in the sample and analysis revealed a ratio of half U238 (Uranium) and half PB206 (Lead) than according to estimated half-life of Uranium the age of the sample would be nearly 4.5 billion years. All these methods absolutely depend upon three assumptions: 1. That there were no daughter elements present at time zero – or at least the exact amount of daughter elements at time zero is known. 2. That we are dealing with a closed system – no migration of elements from system boundaries and upon permanent containment of all essential parameters, such as temperature, pressure and chemical concentrations within the system and incoming radioactivity. 3. That the rates of devolution (decay) are constant. For this reason all geological dating by radiometric means is impossible. In fact any attempt to utilize these techniques for geological and paleontological dating is so ridiculous; it was called pure midsummer night’s madness by the people conducting it! In all these methods both mother and daughter elements are naturally occurring. There is no way to know their respective concentrations AT TIME ZERO. Lead, for example, is a naturally occurring substance. To assume that there was no lead whatsoever in existence at the time of planet formation is nonsense. Since the amount of daughter elements present at time zero cannot be known it is absolutely useless to estimate ages from any such mother/daughter concentration ratios. In no stretch of the imagination can the geo/ecological systems be considered as closed. Uranium, for example, migrates in shale. Moon rocks submitted for potassium-argon analysis in glazed condition, requiring temperatures near 1300 C, would have totally vaporized any potassium, which vaporizes at 744 C. Rubidium boils at 688 C making the rubidium-strontium method useless at geological temperature variations. Potassium salts dissolve in water – rocks have been aged by billions of years just by running water over them for 4.5 hours.


Free neutron capture leading to formation of Pb208 (Pb206 + n giving Pb208) actually invalidates Uranium-Thorium as measurement. There is no way geological settings can be viewed as a closed system. As if the preceding had not been enough, there is experimental evidence that radioactive decay rates (devolution) are not constant but variable to a considerable extent, according to ambient flux of neutrinos. The ESTABLISHMENT IS VERY WELL AWARE of this, without making the facts public, of course, to the extent that ecological age of an “index fossil“ is now “determined” by the strata of the find; and this the age of this very “strata” is “determined” by this very same index fossil. For example, specimens discovered with trilobites are “automatically” dated as half a billion years old. This is mere evolutionary circular reasoning. There is no evidence for these ages whatsoever.

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