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The Chosen People, who are they?

 Historically, there are two different groups known as a Chosen People, both diametrically opposed to each other.



  • Gods Chosen People, chosen to be servants and priests to mankind. What is happening to them?Israelites were historically chosen by Almighty God, known as Gods Chosen People, even though they didn’t achieve what God intended.

After the Global Flood God selected only one nation to be His spokesman, in the middle of a sea of nations and demon dominated “religions”, where Satan appeared to them as an angel of light. This nation was to be His spokesman to the world.


All prophets came out of Israel. All the apostles came out of Israel. The Bible came out of Israel. Our only Savior, our Kinsman Redeemer, came out of Israel, and there is none other. This one nation was torn apart for it, decimated, persecuted uttermost, but never destroyed.


God spoke to Moses out of a burning bush. The bush was not consumed. The bush is Israel; always in the fire, never consumed.


 God intended the Nation as an example to the world, as SERVANTS and PRIESTS to mankind. It did not happen, but will happen during the 1000 year reign of Christ. Satan tried many times to utterly exterminate the nation, its message and our Savior.


The last and worst persecution will come under the Antichrist. Check the Bible; only a direct intervention of God Almighty will be able to save them.


Meantime, the last, preceding, giant effort of Satan was intended to destroy the entire ORTHODOX JEWRY in Europe, totally. THE ORTHODOX WERE AND ARE A HINDRANCE, UTTERLY USELESS TO SECRET SOCIETIES. False accusations of unimaginable crimes, actually committed by Babylonic Satanists themselves, have been levelled against them, in the form of authentic “protocols” of the Luceferian Elite, cleverly altered to incriminate the Jews.


This propaganda resulted in the near destruction of the Nation during the last World War. Lamentably these lies still abound, generating the fiercest resentments and bitterness.



(B)    Satan’s Chosen People, the Luceferian Elite.


There is another, different, group, also called the “chosen people”, very active and exceedingly influential during the last three centuries.


This other group is chosen by Lucifer, by Satan himself, the chosen people of Satan, or “Satan’s Chosen People”, the LUCEFERIAN ELITE. Sometimes called the “The Most Reverend, Wise and Ancient Elders of Babylon” or “The Wise Elders of Babel”.


It is said that SATAN’S CHOSEN PEOPLE are just like their father, Lucifer, who was a Father of Lies, a liar and murderer from the very beginning. Look it up in the Bible.


It is said, that his “Chosen People”, in obedience and true tradition of their father, make tombstones lie, they make monuments lie, they make history lie and they make science lie. Just take a look at “Evolution”!


Whatsoever these “Chosen People” TOUCH turns into indescribable, unimaginable filth. Even their very “ideologies” slowly turn into exactly that. Everything is sacrificed in the process, including science.


A Queen- Witch of England, turned Christian (what a miracle!), was once asked on the 700 TV Club, WHAT IS THE MAIN PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVE OF WIKA AND SATANISM? She said that both have an identical agenda, they MUST OPPOSE EVERYTHING WHICH CHRISTIANITY PROMOTES AND PROMOTE EVERYTHING WHICH CHRISTIANITY FORBIDS.


Sin must multiply an earth, so that Satan can rule here one day. This isn’t something one can discuss over tea and crumpets. It is a literal “highway” filled with blood, filled with uttermost, unimaginable suffering, not just here, but also suffering eternal.  These are the resulting fruits of the great prowess of the Luceferian Elite.


 Evidently, the ENDS DO NOT HALLOW MEANS, instead the very reverse is true, IT IS the MEANS WHICH DETERMINE THE ENDS! Is it not exactly that way in every religion?


Genesis 3: 14-15 :

14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed …….



A SEED is the genetically MINGLED DNA, the offspring of two different parents.

There will be “ENMITY BETWEEN THE OFFSPRING OF LUCIFER AND THE OFFSPRING OF THE WOMAN.” Read it in Genesis again, if you don’t believe it. First, SATAN MUST BEGET AN OFFSPRING (SEED), don’t you think? Consider, Satan’s demons are not Satan’s offspring; they are Satan’s associates, or followers. The hybrids resulting from demons fornicating human women are the offspring (seed) of demons.


In this sense, an offspring of Satan himself, personally, and a human woman, is evidently the coming antichrist, the “capstone “of the arch, or the “seeing eye” on top of the pyramid on the dollar bill. That indeed would be the SEED OF SATAN. If you believe the Bible, you cannot get past that.


The main thrust of the Chosen People of Satan, the Luceferian Elite, is to prepare his way and usher in the Antichrist. For the outcome read the Apocalypse.

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