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Resurection : Can you believe this?

The Witness Contained in the Bible is Without Equal Anywhere. At crucifixion you see the apostles disorganized, fleeing. Almost immediately afterward you see them welded together in strength and love and absolute dedication. What happened?The resurrection happened.


You weren't there and I wasn't there. They were there. They witnessed the resurrection.They sacrificed all pursuit of worldly gain, their family life, their personal safety and eventually all were martyred to death, except with the possible exception of John. They witnessed with their lives and with their death.


Nobody sacrifices himself for their own lie. What moved those men?You think they were easy to convince? Thomas said “I will NOT believe until I have placed my hand into His side and nail scarred hands….”Paul was initially the worst enemy Christianity had, till he encountered the resurrected Christ. What convinced him to abandon his previous life, family, position in the Sanhedrin to follow the one he had persecuted? He was whipped, tortured, incarcerated, suffered shipwreck, then had his head cut off. Why would a man choose this course?


That is the Christian witness of the Bible!By comparison, the disciples of Mohammed, while he still lived, already plotted to murder each other to seize power over each other; and did so. This is how the split of Shia and Suna in Islam originated. To this day there is mourning over the slaughter among Mohammedans. That is their witness.The witness of the Bible is unparalleled.

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