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For nearly 60 years high cholesterol has been blamed for early death. Before that, low cholesterol (the opposite) was actually considered evidence of liver damage. Today, contrary to propaganda, half of all the MI (heart attack) and stroke fatalities do occur to people with normal cholesterol levels.


Do you think, for a moment, this information could be made public? Have you any idea of the profits for Big Pharma which are at stake? The statins (anti-cholesterol drugs) actually also cause tremendous harm, and in the long run, actually help reduce population by more than one mechanism; something never advertised.


There is a more accurate indicator predicting circulatory disasters (certainly more accurate than cholesterol), called ‘C - reactive protein’ (CRP), a measure of continuous inflammation. It is an expression of free-radical, oxidizing activity and introduces the need of anti-oxidants. The anti-oxidants we consume are one partial remedy, but there appears to be available another, massive, additional remedy, available as part of negative bio-electrical potentials – EARTH GROUNDING, if you please.


We all pick up static electricity by friction with various surfaces or electro-magnetic induction in our crazy electrical world. This positive voltage simply adds to the oxidative effect of free radicals. There is left a shortage of free electrons in our body – negative electricity - to reduce it to zero (Ground is Zero, or normal).


Most surprisingly, contact with the GROUND (earth) will do it. Just walking barefoot or using a grounded mat or grounded electrodes in contact with your body will neutralize surplus body electricity.


Computer technicians have used anti-static grounding for years. Many have noticed, with longer exposure to negative ground, significant improvement in sleep and decrease of inflammations. The grounding is achieved with a connection to electrical ground on your wall ‘plug in’. Some enthusiasts have actually inserted a spike into the ground (soil) outdoors and led a tiny wire inside. Clinically, it has been shown that cortisol levels do normalize, circulation improves dramatically (reduced clumping of red blood cells – a type of anticoagulant effect), aches and pains due to inflammation are decreased and sleep tends to dramatically improve.

The grounded mats and bracelets used to reduce static electricity contain a resistor and will reduce body voltage only by some 90%. The grounding mats have a weaker resistor and will reduce it by 99% or virtual ground. When grounding is interrupted both body voltage and inflammation begin to rise again. Both the damage and the healing results, associated with these phenomena, may take place gradually. A little patience is indicated.


Everybody I know, who has tried grounding (including myself), continues using it simply because it makes you feel better, quite apart from all other claimed benefits.


The mats ($15) and armbands ($2-$6) to reduce STATIC ELECTRICITY are available from AMAZON or any electrical supply. GROUNDING equipment is far more expensive ($ 50- $200), available from Amazon and other suppliers. Literature about grounding is available on the internet.



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