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Have you heard that before? When you try to share the greatness of our God with unbelievers?

They will say, “What about other religions? ‘How about Buddhists?’, How about Moslems?’ You mean you’re the only ones who know it all? Are you not a bunch of ignorant, intolerant gooks….?”



I have myself, personally, met the most”ignorant”, intolerant, bigoted, narrow minded gook of them all.


She was my math teacher. And she absolutely insisted that 4 plus 4 makes 8! Every time I wrote, that 4 and 4 makes nine, or that 4 and 4 makes seven, she would  absolutely mark my answers wrong, every time, without being  broadminded at all; and finally stood me up in a corner.  She just wasn’t a liberal!


To her, four plus four had only ONE correct answer – and none other, in the “whole universe”! Can you imagine that?

And you know, somehow, the bank down the street from me, THEY HAVE THE SAME PHILOSOPHY.

 In my case I might be more like four minus four equals zero, but it’s the same philosophy!  No liberalism at all. Not a bit broad minded.


And you know something else? TRUTH is like that.

TRUTH IS LIKE THAT! It is very intolerant, extremely narrow minded, totally categorical and absolutely non-liberal. Want to hear the truth?


All these religions really are like spokes in a wheel, “different routes to god” and they all lead to the god of this world. And his name is Satan. They are streets without exit, death traps (eternal death, if you please). Their only remaining benefit may be works, for the white throne judgment, and WORKS can never save us. God says that our best works are only dirty rags. They can never be good enough. Man can never save himself. MAN NEEDS A SAVIOR.


And there is only ONE who paid for your sins. Nobody else, in all history, in the whole world, ever paid nor could have paid for your salvation.


After the Global Flood God selected only one nation to be His spokesman, in the middle of a sea of nations and demon dominated “religions”, where Satan appeared to them as an angel of light. This nation was to be His spokesman to the world.


All prophets came out of Israel. All the apostles came out of Israel. The Bible came out of Israel. Our only Savior, our Kinsman Redeemer, came out of Israel, and there is none other. This one nation was torn apart for it, decimated, persecuted uttermost, but never destroyed.


God spoke to Moses out of a burning bush. The bush was not consumed. The bush is Israel. Always in the fire, never consumed.(1)

Being liberal, being broadminded in this is really being lost. There are only two spiritual relationships in existence today. All the others are religions. These relationships are said to be vertical, up or down.


One is Christianity. It is a direct relationship of man to God, without a priest and without a temple. The only other spiritual relationship is demon possession. Satan is not God, he cannot be everywhere. He sends his demons to own you, to control you, to possess you, and eventually to uttermost destroy you.


All “religions” are said to be” horizontal”, man to man, never to God.


You wanted the truth? Or you want to continue deceiving yourself? Truth is very intolerant, narrow minded, doctrinal and non-liberal. It’s your choice. In the balance hangs your eternity. (2)



(1)  God intended the Nation as an example to the world, as SERVANTS and PRIESTS to mankind. It did not happen, but will happen during the 1000 year reign of Christ. Satan tried many times to utterly exterminate the nation, its message and our Savior.


The last and worst persecution will come under the Antichrist. Check the Bible; only a direct intervention of God Almighty will be able to save them.


Meantime, the last preceding giant effort of Satan was intended to destroy the entire ORTHODOX JEWRY in Europe, totally. THE ORTHODOX WERE AND ARE A HINDRANCE, UTTERLY USELESS TO SECRET SOCIETIES. False accusations of unimaginable crimes, actually committed by Babylonic 33D Satanists themselves, have been levelled against them, in the form of actual “protocols” of the Luceferian Elite, cleverly altered to incriminate the Jews.


This propaganda resulted in the near destruction of the Nation during the last World War. Lamentably these lies still abound, generating the fiercest resentments and bitterness.


(2) Men are not lost because they are sinners; they are lost because they have rejected Jesus who died for them. Even if you go into a lost eternity and have not accepted Christ, He died for you, and you simply made His sacrifice for you of no avail. You have trodden underfoot the blood of Christ and will account for your conduct (sin) yourself. Our Savior will not do it.

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