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The Signature of Almighty God Throughout the entire Old Testament and the New in Textus Receptus


Concealed throughout every biblical passage are hidden mathematical and other phenomena, absolutely unique to the Textus Receptus of the Bible, and the original Textus Receptus only.


No other book in the world, no Greek or Hebrew classic, no apocrypha, no deviation from Textus Receptus ( nearly 4000 original surviving manuscripts, absolutely identical in content, the Old Testament in Hebrew and New Testament in Greek and Aramaic) , no other religious writing exhibits any of these phenomena.


One quarter of the Bible is pure prophesy. God gave prophecy throughout the Bible and this prophecy always has an accuracy of 100 %! This is absolutely unique in our world.


The witness of observers, contained in the Bible, is also unprecedented and unique. Nobody chooses death for his own lies. Witnesses of Resurrection, witnessed with their lives, not just words.


No human mind could have conceived of it, much less recorded it consistently for a period of millennia without contradiction or error.You make up your mind for yourself. Don’t listen to anybody.


Mathematical Base In Every Verse? For one, every verse in the original Tx. Receptus (more than 31 000 verses) divides by seven! All Greek and Hebrew letters have a numerical value. Their numeric sum, in each and every Bible verse always divides by seven! If a single word or letter in the original text is missing, added or transposed it is easily detected by the mathematical alarm which goes off, showing tempering.Inside each verse the most amazing numerical phenomena are built into wording, letters, consonants, vowels.


For the smallest, easiest to find, example see Genesis 1:1"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"In the original Hebrew text the verse has the following: Number of Words 7 Number of Letters In the Verse 4 x 7 In Subject & Predicate (3 words) 2 x 7 In the Last 4 Words (containing 2 objects) 2 x 7 In Each Object Grouping (the heavens and the earth) each 7 In 3 Leading Words (God, Heavens, Earth) 2 x 7 Remaining Letters in the Verse 2 x 7 Numeric Value (Sum) (God -86, Heavens-395, Earth-296) =777 111x 7 Numeric Value of the Only Verb (Created - 203) 29 x 7 The Shortest Verb is in the Middle, 'it and the word' at left Letters 7 'it and the word' at right Letters 7


This is the beginning of Genesis, the part declared by the Liberal to be a legend, a superstition! Who set up this mathematical mosaic? Chance is absolutely out of the question. And it's all like that, every verse. The entire Bible.Dr. D. B. Turney attempted a single passage in English, simulating these phenomena and gave up after many days of work. Yet this feature is accomplished in every one of the thousands of Bible paragraphs without the slightest visible effort.


For another random example ponder the beginning of the genealogy of Jesus, in Matthew1:1-11, an analysis of only 49 vocabulary Greek words (new words): Greek Vocabulary Words 49 7x7 Letters in above 49 words 266 38x7 Vowels in above 49 words 140 20x7 Consonants in above 49 words 126 18x7 Number of words beginning With a vowel 28 4x7 With a consonant 21 3x7 Nouns in the 49 vocabulary words 42 6x7 Non Nouns 7 Proper nouns (names) out of 42 35 5x7 Common nouns 7 Greek Letters in 7 common nouns 49 7x7 Proper nouns (35 names) Occurs in passage 63 9x7 Male names 28 4x7 Non male names 7 Times male names occur 56 8x7 Three women mentioned Temar, Rehab, Ruth Greek letters in all 14 4x7 One city mentioned, Greek letters Babylon 7 Vocabulary words, Occurring more than once 35 5x7 Occurring only once 7 Appearing in only one form 42 6x7 Appearing in more than one form 7


To duplicate the above mathematical mosaic by design,( forget chance!), in 49 vocabulary words one would need to invent the design and then invent the language to fit it in. An existing language would hardly do.


Is it not curious that the number 7 appears as God's signature also in Creation? As, for example, in the creation of life, the period of gestation (duration of pregnancy), designed as follows:


Human Pregnancy 280 Days 40x7 Mouse 21 3x7 Cat 56 8x7 Rat 28 4x7 Dog 63 9x7 Lion 98 14x7 Sheep 147 21x7 Hen 21 3x7 Duck 28 4x7 And so on. Seven is the number of completion - as seven days of creation, seven days in a week, seven feast days given to the Jews (each one with a prophetic significance); Apocalypse as 7x7 (7 churches, 7 angels, 7 vials, etc) means "the end","basta"," finito", "thats all folks","the Bible is closed till Christ returns".


All the other numbers have a significance, but this exceeds the scope of this writing. as well as current info available.


Mathematical Chains Span the Book The number of Old Testament writers 21 3x7The numeric sum of the names of all these writers also divides by 7 (3808 or 544x7). Of these Old Testament writers only 7 are named in the New Testament.: Moses, David, Isaiah, Daniel, Hosea, Joel and Jeremiah. The numeric value of these 7 writers is exactly 1554 or 162x7! The number of times the following names appear in the Bible: Moses 121x7 David 162x7 Jeremiah 21x7(Jeremiah, for example, occurs in 7 Old Testament books in 7 different forms of Hebrew and exactly 147 times!) And so on.


How would the Old Testament writers know when to stop? Who would count the number of times a name would finally appear in both Testaments as they wrote, dodging bitter reprisals? Not only Christians but almost all Old Testament prophets were persecuted. Who was it that said, "if you stand for Jesus, it will cost you"? Isaiah, they say, was sawn in half. Count the number of writers in the New Testament yourself. Keep in mind that the number 8 means new beginning. The numeric sum of the name Jesus, in Greek, ads up to 888.


There are other concealed designs in the original Bible text which literally boggle the mind. For example, the genealogy of Noah (whoever wanted to study that?!), translated with a Hebrew dictionary, reads as follows:


Genesis (read Hebrew word, then its English translation ,eg Adam means Man)

5:3 Adam (to) Man 5:6 Seth (is) Appointed 5:9 Enosh Mortal 5:12 Kenan Sorrow 5:15 Mahalalel (the) Blessed God 6:18 Jared Shall Come Down 6:21 Enoch Teaching 6:25 Methuselah (that) His Death Shall Bring 6:28 Lamech (the) Despairing 6:32 Noah Comfort and Rest (Brackets are added)Read the names in English (top to bottom) as one sentence.

What do you get? The names form a perfectly sequential, coherent santence: "To man is appointed mortal sorrow. The Blessed God shall come down, teaching, that His death shall bring the despairing comfort and rest"!.


You think this is an accident to find encoded in 10 prediluvian names, in their exact chronological sequence, Gods central message to man? If nor an accident, then what? Nobody can make me believe that a bunch of rabbi's falsified their beloved Torah to bring us the heart of the Christian gospel!


 Codes: Digital Bible Codes Bind Passages and Chapters Together.


The mathematical designs (See the work by Ivan Panin and a host of Bible researchers -  in every verse of Textus Receptus ) protect verses and paragraphs against tempering. A single letter deleted, added or transposed destroys the mathematical base.Chains of names bind all the books together. If a single book, such a apocrypha is added or another removed or defaced the n the chains completely disappear.Digital codes tie passages and chapters together, in such a way that a single letter added, removed or transposed absolutely destroys the codes.


These codes emerge only in equal distances of letters throughout the passages.Many workers devoted their lives to the study of codes, also a dear Jewish brother by the name of Yacov Rambsel. Grant Jeffrey has a popular book published about Bible codes.


For example God has encoded the name of His Son, the Messiah, Yeshua, throughout the Hebrew text of the Old Testament, from Genesis to Melachi..Psalm 41:7-10 predicts the betrayal of Jesus by Judas Iscariot : In verse 8, phrase" they plot evil"(yach’ shvu rah’ah), beginning with the letter yod, count forward every second letter: it spells the name of Yeshua.Ruth 1:1 counting every 5th letter from right to left spells the name Yeshua, superimposed upon the beginning of ancestry of King David..Leviticus 21:10-12, beginning with the first heh in 21:10, counting forward every third letter, you get hain dam Yeshua: "Behold! The blood of Yeshua.", superimposed upon rules and instructions for blood sacrifice for the sins of the people.Zechariah 11:12 , beginning with letter yod, counting forward every 24th letter, you get the name Yeshua superimposed over the price of Christ’s betrayal (30 pieces of silver) written 500 years before the birth of Jesus!Daniel 9:26, in the phrase "the city", starting with the letter yod, counting to right every 26th letter you read Yeshua superimposed upon the phrase of "Messiah the Prince" in Daniels prophecy of 70 weeks.Daniel 61:1, 2 in the phrase "The Spirit of the Lord God" (Ruach Adonai Yehovah), counting every 9 letter from left to right, spells Yeshua. In the second verse, beginning with the letter aleph of the word Oshiyah (I will Save), counting every 36th letter from left to right, you read the word "Yeshua".


God has encoded the Hebrew name of Jesus (Yeshua) in every messianic prophecy of the Old Testament. God reveals Jesus in His glory, as son of God, Adonai, Jehovah. You can appreciate that if a single letter is missing in the passages it eliminates the code. Space requirement makes it impossible to do any justice to this super significant subject of Bible codes. Suffice it to say that the ancient Hebrew codes reveal the persecution under Hitler, Sadat’s assassination as well as the name of his assassin and thousands of future events and names of the participants.


Both Testaments are literally embroidered and held together with these codes. You won't find any codes where Hort, Westcott and Nestle ransacked the Bible, and where "Modern Language" editions follow them, departing from Tx. Receptus.No human mind, with or without computers could have written the Bible. It is the Word of God, our Creator.


God proclaims a double curse (Galatians 1:8-9) on anyone adding or detracting from it. So be it, Lord! BACK TO TOP: Depress Ctrl + Home




The Bible Is The Only Multi-Prophecy Source In The World To Have A 100% Accuracy Every Time!Prophecy make the Bible absolutely unique. There is no other religion, or movement, or person or phenomenon like that in the world.The statistical "betting average" of published "psychic" predictions is near 6%.


There once was a convocation of psychics and witches, at a time in history when this was still illegal. The police "pinched" (arrested) the bunch. The Chief-Inspector went on record, declaring that "...they had to be phonies. Otherwise they would have known we're coming!"


Nearly 25% of the Bible is PROPHECY. The prophets had to speak to events near and far in the future. If the events did not come true exactly and in every detail, the false prophet had to be stoned to death. Isaiah, for example, prophesied that not a single arrow would fall into Jerusalem during forthcoming siege. You have over 40,000 Persian soldiers , possibly each one with a bow and arrows, just outside the walls. You think at least one of them would shoot an arrow over the wall, to listen who'll holler "ouch"? Had a single arrow come into Jerusalem, Isaiah would not be a spokesman for God.Consider prophecies regarding the Messiah.


There are over 300 detailed predictions.He shall become a man and His name shall be God.: Isa 9:6-7 (8th century BC)He would be born in Bethlehem. He would be King. That He is alive from Everlasting:. Micah 5:2-3.King David called Him Lord (God): Psalm 110:1-4 (10th century BC)He shall be King, a branch of David...and His name shall be God: Jarem 23:5-8 (7th century BC)That He shall be despised and rejected: Isa 53:3; Psa 118:22-23 (David 10th century BC)He shall bear our sins and punishment: Isa 53:4-6; 63:9He shall ride on la donkey into Jerusalem: Zech 9:9-10 (6th century BC)He would not defend Himself against His enemies: Isa 53:7; 43:1-4He shall be beaten and disfigured; He shall affect many nations: Isa 52:13-15 He would be imprisoned, tried and killed: Isa 53:8They would pierce His hands and feet: Psa 22:16They would divide His clothes and cast lots for His coat: Psa22:17-18The Father shall forsake Him (momentarily) the moment He takes our sins upon Himself and He shall cry out: Psa 22:1Not one of His bones will be broken (upper nose is cartilage) Exod 12:46; Numb 9:12; Psa 34:20He would be buried in a rich mans tomb: Isa 53:9He shall rise from the dead: Isa 53:10; Psa 16:10Because of Him many shall be counted righteous: Isa 53:11-12


The 70 weeks of Daniel contain prophecy, showing the exact day, when the Messiah would present Himself at the Temple, to be "cut off" (killed) - Daniel 24-27. Seventy weeks represent 490 years that God would treat with Israel before the coming of Christ as King (1 year is 1 day, Gen 29:15-18; Numb. 14:34) These years begin only at the moment the commandment to rebuild Jerusalem is given (March 14, 445 BC -4th decree, by Antexerxes (Nehemiah 2:1-8). Allow 360 days for Hebrew year.


The exact calculations are available. God stopped the clock at crucifixion. Only 7 years, "1 week", remain. They start the moment a Prince of the new Roman Empire signs a treaty with Israel, guarantying it's borders. Again, you have an exact countdown for the 2nd coming of Jesus (not rupture) predicted.


All of these are out of the Old Testament. These are only some of the prophecies. The chance of even half of the 300 prophecies being fulfilled by chance are one against a number so astronomical that it exceeds the number of atomic particles in the postulated universe. The Sanhedrin had an excuse, however, because both Messiah, the sacrificial Lamb and Messiah, the King and Governor are predicted, almost side by side.


Today, again, the second coming (as King and Judge) confuses all but a remnant. In (almost) one breath the Lord will come quickly (suddenly), where no man knows the day (rapture) and as King, announced with an exact countdown of 7 years and by plagues and events that completely dwarf the plagues of Egypt (Judgment and Millennium Rein). If only those "infallibles", who claim to hear from and speak for God, would give some prophecy as evidence! God gave it throughout the Bible. How about a weather forecast for a moth, ex-cathedra?


The Witness Contained in the Bible is Without Equal Anywhere


At crucifixion you see the apostles disorganized, fleeing. Almost immediately afterward you see them welded together in strength and love and absolute dedication. What happened?


The resurrection happened.You weren't there and I wasn't there. They were there. They witnessed the resurrection.They sacrificed all pursuit of worldly gain, their family life, their personal safety and eventually all were martyred to death, except with the possible exception of John. They witnessed with their lives and with their deaths.Nobody sacrifices himself for their own lie.


What moved those men? Paul was initially the worst enemy Christianity had; till he encountered Jesus. What convinced him to abandon his previous life, family, position in the Sanhedrin to follow the one he had persecuted? He was whipped, persecuted, incarcerated, suffered shipwreck, then had his head cut off. Why would a man choose this course? That is the Christian witness of the Bible!.


By comparison, the disciples of Mohammed, while he still lived, already plotted to murder each other to seize power over each other; and did so. This is how the split of Shia and Suna in Islam originated. To this day there is mourning over the slaughter among Mohammedans. That is their witness.The witness of the Bible is unparalled.

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