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BIBLE: MATHEMATICAL BASE IN EVERY VERS? THE BIBLE, THE WORD OF GOD, IS PERHAPS A GREATER MIRACLE THAN THE CREATION OF LIFE!Imagine finding Isaac Newton, Shakespeare, Yitzhak Rabin, Twin Towers, Hitler, to name only the fewest, imagine finding their pertinent info in CODES written 3000 years ago! CHAINES of names hold the chapters and books together. Every verse of the Textus Receptus embodies a mathematical mosaic! Not to mention that a quarter of the Bible is pure PROPHECY of 100 % accuracy, nearly all of it now realized. The probability to obtain this by chance is one against a totally astronomical number which exceeds the number of atomic particles in the postulated universe.This represents a giant study.


Future attempts will try to introduce some of these phenomena to provide some idea of what treasure we really have.MATHEMATICAL BASE IN VERY VERSE?Concealed throughout every biblical passage are hidden mathematical and other phenomena, absolutely unique to the Textus Receptus of the Bible and the original Textus Receptus only. No other book in the world, no Greek or Hebrew classic, no Apocrypha, no deviation from Textus Receptus (nearly 4000 original surviving manuscripts, absolutely identical in content, the Old Testament in Hebrew and New Testament in Greek and Aramaic), no other religious writing exhibits any of these phenomena.For one, every verse in the original Tx. Receptus (more than 31 000 verses) divides by seven! All Greek and Hebrew letters have a numerical value.


Their numeric sum, in each and every Bible verse always divides by seven! If a single word or letter in the original text is missing, added or transposed it is easily detected by the mathematical alarm which goes off, showing tempering.Inside each verse the most amazing numerical phenomena are built into wording, letters, consonants, vowels.For the smallest, easiest to find, example see GENESIS 1:1: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"In the original Hebrew text the verse has the following: Number of Words 7 Number of Letters In the Verse 4 x 7 In Subject & Predicate (3 words) 2 x 7 In the Last 4 Words (containing 2 objects) 2 x 7 In Each Object Grouping (the heavens and The earth) each 7 In 3 Leading Words (God, Heavens, Earth) 2 x 7 Remaining Letters in the Verse 2 x 7 Numeric Value (Sum) (God -86, Heavens-395, Earth-296) =777 111x 7 Numeric Value of the Only Verb (Created - 203) 29 x 7 The Shortest Verb is in the Middle, 'it and the word' at left Letters 7 'it and the word' at right Letters 7 This is the beginning of Genesis, the part declared by the Liberal to be a legend, a superstition! Who set up this mathematical mosaic? Chance is absolutely out of the question. And it's all like that, every verse.


The entire Bible.Dr. D. B. Turney attempted a single passage in English, simulating these phenomena and gave up after many days of work. Yet this feature is accomplished in every one of the thousands of Bible paragraphs without the slightest visible effort.For another random example ponder the beginning of the GENEOLOGY OF JESUS, in Matthew1:1-11, an analysis of only 49 vocabulary Greek words (new words): Greek Vocabulary Words 49 7x7 Letters in above 49 words 266 38x7 Vowels in above 49 words 140 20x7 Consonants in above 49 words 126 18x7 Number of words beginning With a vowel 28 4x7 With a consonant 21 3x7 Nouns in the 49 vocabulary words 42 6x7 Non Nouns 7 Proper nouns (names) out of 42 35 5x7 Common nouns 7 Greek Letters in 7 common nouns 49 7x7 Proper nouns (35 names) Occurs in passage 63 9x7 Male names 28 4x7 Non male names 7 Times male names occur 56 8x7 Three women mentioned Temar, Rehab, Ruth Greek letters in all 1 4x7 One city mentioned, Greek letters Babylon 7 Vocabulary words, Occurring more than once 35 5x7 Occurring only once 7 Appearing in only one form 42 6x7 Appearing in more than one form 7 To duplicate the above mathematical mosaic by design, (forget chance!), in 49 vocabulary words one would need to invent the design and then INVENT THE LANGUAGE to fit it in. An existing language would hardly do. Is it not curious that the number 7 appears as God's signature also in CREATION? Human Pregnancy 280 Days 40x7 Mouse 21 3x7 Cat 56 8x7 Rat 28 4x7 Dog 63 9x7 Lion 98 14x7 Sheep 147 21x7 Hen 21 3x7 Duck 28 4x7 And so on.Seven is the number of completion - as seven days of creation, seven days in a week, seven feast days given to the Jews (each one with a prophetic significance); Apocalypse as 7x7 (7 churches, 7 angels, 7 vials, etc) means "the end","basta"," finito", "thats all folks","the Bible is closed till Jesus comes back".All the other numbers have significance, but this exceeds the scope of this writing, as well as current info available. Besides the mathematical base the original language Textus Receptus of the Bible exhibits CODES- for example the assassination of Isaac Rabin, prime minister of Israel, is exactly foretold nearly 3000 years ago, in code! The Bible exhibits CHAINS, which bind the chapters and all books together. One single letter omitted added or transposed makes these phenomena disappear. God Himself placed this burglar alarm on HIS WORD.Trust only in an exact translation of the Textus Receptus, not in any “modern language mutilation” of of Gods Word.

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