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BIBLE CODES: Digital Bible Codes Bind Passages and Chapters Together.


THE BIBLE, THE WORD OF GOD, IS PERHAPS A GREATER MIRACLE THAN THE CREATION OF LIFE ITSELF! You decide. Imagine finding Isaac Newton, Shakespeare, Yitzhak Rabin, Twin Towers, Hitler, to name only the fewest, imagine finding their pertinent info in CODES written 3000 years ago! CHAINES of names hold the chapters and books together. Every verse of the Textus Receptus embodies a MATHEMATICAL mosaic! Not to mention that a quarter of the Bible is pure PROPHECY of 100 % accuracy, nearly all of it now realized. The probability to obtain this by chance is one against a totally astronomical number which exceeds the number of atomic particles in the postulated universe.


The mathematical designs protect verses and paragraphs against tempering. A single letter deleted, added or transposed in the Textus Receptus destroys the mathematical base.Chains of names bind all the books together. If a single book, such Apocrypha is added or another removed or defaced then the chains completely disappear.Digital codes tie passages and chapters together, in such a way that a single letter added, removed or transposed absolutely destroys the codes. These codes emerge only in equal distances of letters throughout the passages.Many workers devoted their lives to the study of codes, in the Old and New Testaments.


All major events of History, past, present or future are said to be contained within the the Old Testament codes. The statistical probability of this occurring by chance just does not exist!Apart from all that, GOD HAS ENCODED THE NAME OF HIS SON, the Messiah, Yeshua, throughout the Hebrew text of the Old Testament, from Genesis to Melachi. Check a few of these unbelievable phenomena:Psalm 41:7-10 predicts the betrayal of Jesus by Judas Iscariot : In verse 8, phrase" they plot evil"(yach’ shvu rah’ah), beginning with the letter yod, count forward every second letter: it spells the name of Yeshua.Ruth 1:1 counting every 5th letter from right to left spells the name YESHUA, superimposed upon the beginning of ancestry of King David..Leviticus 21:10-12, beginning with the first heh in 21:10, counting forward every third letter, you get hain dam Yeshua: "BEHOLD! THE BLOOD OF YESHUA", superimposed upon rules and instructions for blood sacrifice for the sins of the people.Zechariah 11:12 , beginning with letter yod, counting forward every 24th letter, you get the name YESHUA superimposed over the price of Christ’s betrayal (30 pieces of silver) written 500 years before the birth of Jesus!Daniel 9:26, in the phrase "the city", starting with the letter yod, counting to right every 26th letter you read YESHUA superimposed upon the phrase of "Messiah the Prince" in Daniels prophecy of 70 weeks.Daniel 61:1, 2 in the phrase "The Spirit of the Lord God" (Ruach Adonai Yehovah), counting every 9 letter from left to right, spells YESHUA. In the second verse, beginning with the letter aleph of the word Oshiyah (I will Save), counting every 36th letter from left to right, you read the word "Yeshua".God has encoded the Hebrew name of Jesus (Yeshua) in every messianic prophecy of the Old Testament. God reveals Jesus in His glory, as son of God, Adonai, Jehovah.


You can appreciate that if a single letter is missing in the passages it eliminates the code. Space requirement makes it impossible to do any justice to this super significant subject of Bible codes. Suffice it to say that the ancient Hebrew codes reveal the persecution under Hitler, Sadat’s assassination as well as the name of his assassin and thousands of future events and names of the participants. Both Testaments are literally embroidered and held together with these codes. You won't find any codes where Hort, Westcott and Nestle ransacked the Bible, and where "Modern Language" editions follow them, departing from Tx. Receptus.No human mind, with or without computers could have written the Bible. It is the Word of God, our Creator. God proclaims a double curse (Galatians 1:8-9) on anyone adding or detracting from it. So be it, Lord!

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