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HEAlTH: Big Pharma, Medical Holocaust and You?


For a hundred years we have seen the rise of Big Farma, which has eventually culminated in an immense Rokefeller-IGFarben cartel, an iron clad monopoly, secretly owning, controlling or at least affecting nearly every pharmaceutical manufacturing concern. Similar control has been achieved by these people in all medical schools, AMA (American Medical Association), Food and Drug Administration and all governing and licensing bodies.


Their policy is to simply eliminate competition, which obviously lowers profits. That includes not only price competition of other pharmaceutical manufacturers, but also every type of COMPETING MEDICAL PRACTICE. This means essentially elimination of all alternative medical approaches, ALL nutritional and homeopathic remedies and all breakthroughs and inventions which threaten established profits. If something works, but nobody can patent it, it becomes anathema to Big Farma.


Their profit structure now is not any acceptable 40, 50 or 100% profit, but an average 30,000% to 60,000% percent gain over all costs! This is open extortion (stealing) and our, so called “American” government is openly helping, abetting and protecting them in this process. The profits arising from this so called medical intervention rivals banking profits of entire world wars! No people would privately pay it. A “national health scheme” has been postulated to shift the payment to Big Farma upon our national debt.


There is virtually no profit for them in promoting health. Mortality from cancer is expected to supersede death rate from cardiovascular causes (heart attacks and strokes). The costs of any final six months of life are completely “off the chart”. It had been originally “tailored“ or “designed” to impoverish all your life savings and then kill you. Quite apart from cancer, all diseases help population containment and skyrocket profits.


For some ailments a solution is denied us completely. The treatment of (unofficially promoted) cancer is a case in point. To get effective treatment (healing) you have to leave the country. The same also applies to all efforts to eliminate mercury poisoning implanted with zillion injections into the brains of our kids. Equally discouraged are all efforts to deal effectively with the artificially promoted Gulf-War sickness, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue (tiredness), Lyme disease and all other intentionally developed pathogens now implanted into the population. Incredible, what? Tragically, it’s true.

The first line of defense is to KNOW AND AVOID the distributed (and sometimes enforced) poisons and pathogens (germs).


Construct  a plan for PREVENTION.  Reduce inflammations. Guard against cancer – nibble on apricot seeds (available on the internet). Against virus infections use Vit D (I use 5000 u. daily), start before you get the influenzas. Boost multivitamin and mineral intake. Buy from a good supplier (like Swansen or equivalent), examine the formula. Take a look at nationally sold vitamin brands. The content of Vitamin B 6 and, often,  B1 and B2 has been reduced to sub threshold levels, perhaps enough to barely  survive but not sufficient to prosper. Additionally, add 1-3 Gm of vitamin C, a minim. 800u of vitamin E, to your multivitamin. Make sure you get Selenium and Zinc in very small quantity. Take all the antioxidants you can afford.


The second line of defense, for those already ill, is to explore and access EFFECTIVE HEALING STRATEGIES at home and abroad, especially if they are politically discouraged or illegal at home. It may save your life.


Start by exploring all available INFORMATION. Perhaps start with “Population Containment” in, under ‘Articles’ and continue to “Cancer Promotion”, under ‘Danger’ (same web). The world libraries and internet are still open to all. Several medical authors are available on the internet.


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