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Catholicism according to A. Hislop : The Two Babylons. 



By  Alexander Hislop   ---  Summaries





The bible, the real message of God and Christ, is the most dangerous book to Catholicism in the world. Wherever the Papacy has the power to do so, the Bible is shut up under lock and key.





The Unbloody Sacrifice of the Mass


Where do you find Mass in the Bible? Nowhere. It doesn’t exist.

But it exists in ancient Babylonian sun worship, the worship of Baal.


The Unbloody sacrifice was offered to Semirabis, the Queen of Heaven, also known as the discoverer of corn, in the form of thin, round wafers. Semirabis is identical in Babylon as Mylitta, the “Mediatrix”, in Egypt as Isis, in Greece and Rome as Ceres or Athena and, and after Roman Emperor Constantin’s  religious melting pot, as the Catholic “Mary”.


The wafer itself is another symbol of Baal/Moloch or the sun god. The sun-divinity was worshipped in Egypt as the “Seed”, in Babylon as the “corn” and precisely so is the wafer adored in Rome. “Bread-Corn of the elect, have mercy on us” is one of the appointed prayers of the Roman Catholic litany, addressed to the wafer, in celebration of the mass.


The “Bread-Corn Wafer” of ancient Babylon/Egypt, representing the Babylonian divinity, had to be partaken absolutely fasting. Just so in Catholicism.


Jesus offered the bread and wine in Biblical communion immediately after the main meal, not fasting, in the evening of Passover, to remember Christ by.


The wafer, representing the Sun-god/Baal/Moloch must be exactly and precisely round, (symbol of the sun) as demanded by Chaldean mystery-religion. Otherwise it cannot be used. It is exactly the same in Catholicism.


In the Biblical communion, taught by Christ, the bread was torn into separate pieces, to indicate Christ’s broken body, and taken with wine (separately), indicating His shed blood for us, in remembrance of our Lord.


There were imprinted letters on this “Unbloody sacrifice” of the mass during pagan Rome, namely “IHS”. What mean those letters? Today, 2300 years later, the Roman letters are explained as “Iesum Hominun Salvator”. But let a Roman worshiper of Isis (Samirabis, Ashtoreth) cast his eyes upon them in ancient Rome, he will immediately read them according to his own, then also pervasive, system of idolatry as “Isis, Horus, Seb” (“Mother, the Child and the Father of the gods”), the Egyptian trinity.


When the “Unbloody sacrifice” by “sun-wafer” was first mandated in Arabia by Catholicism, all genuine Christians saw at once the pagan character of this “sacrifice”. They were treated as heretics, called Collyridians, and persecuted.



Justification by Works


According to Gods Word (Bible) works are required (evidence of true intent) but they can never justify man before God. They are never good enough. Man can never save himself. Man needs a Savior.


The Babylonian (Chaldean) “justification by works before god” and the Catholic version are essentially identical, symbolized in precisely the same way, except for the names.


In Babylon it is the god ANUBIS who weighs on a balance the good deeds against the bad—and in Catholicism the name has been changed to ST. MICHAEL. (In Babylon , however , the “transmigration of souls”, according to this balancing, was added. If you were vicious, you had to come back as a vicious dog. “Ancient Age Lies” for today’s “New Age”?)


Never is there permitted, in either system, any assurance of salvation. This is very important to Babylonism.  Assurance of salvation makes the priest superfluous, both before and after death. This robs the “church” of some of its greatest influence and power.


The priest must have room to demand of the penitent (or his surviving family) the “benefit” of casting “good works into the opposite scale”- such as money for the “church”, construction of a new Abbey, and so on, depending on the wealth of the penitent. The king of France, Louis 14th, was required, for his “good deeds”, to exterminate heretics (the genuine Christians in Southern France- possibly ¼ to 1/3 of the population of France), and did so, however reluctantly.


Both the scales of Babylon’s ANUBIS and those of Catholic ST. MICHAEL require also self mortification, agony, mutilation to avert the wrath of Moloch/Baal, the god of barbarity and blood. Flagellations, tortures of the body, walking on bloody knees to an idol  ”virgin”, penances without number are needed to appease this god of Catholics, who certainly is not the God of the Bible.




Purgatory and Prayers for the Dead


This provision is found in every system of paganism, but never in the Bible. This imaginary scenario represents a “temporary Hell”, where only the mumbo-jumbo of the “priesthood” can, for considerable consideration, before or after death, secure for the penitent a release from agony and an entrance to happiness.


Pluto describes it. Rome and Egypt “celebrated” the doctrines of purgatory and prayers for the dead with every means of priestly extortion.


This approach is identical in Catholicism, a heavy extortionate burden, and payable to the priests.



Semirabis – Isis/Ceres/”Mary”


This is the greatest, most popular Babylonian deity. The god she brought forth, and who is offered back to her under the symbol of the wafer, as “bread of life”, was in reality the fierce, scorching sun or terrible Moloch, yet in that offering all his terror was veiled.


The “Mother” was believed to be benignant, merciful, the favorite “divinity”. The Madonna of Roman Catholicism also entirely eclipses her son, as mother of grace and mercy, “Bona Dea”, the “Mediatrix”, Aphrodite, (“wrath subduer”), who could by her charms soothe the breast of angry Jove.


Catholicism, faithful to this Babylonian paganism, presents Christ (the true Lamb of God, lowly of heart, God’s greatest love) as a stern and inexorable judge, while “Mary” is set off in the most winning and engaging light


This is simply a different “Christ” and a different “Mary”. It is in all reality Semirabis and Jove, not the Christ and Mary of the Bible. May God help the untold millions trapped in Catholicism.



Baptismal Regeneration in Catholicism


This is otherwise known as infant baptism. In Babylon (as it is in Brahmin India today) the “second birth” was an important concept, and this new (second) birth was conferred by baptism. In the secret order of Chaldean Mysteries, before any instruction could be received, the applicant had to be initiated by baptism. This paganism spread later practically all over the world.


In the worship of Isis and Mithra all initiation is by baptism. The baptized (if survived) were promised “regeneration and pardon of their sins”.


Germanic pagans, worshipping Odin, baptized their newborn by sprinkling or immersion, to “wash away their natural guilt and corruption”.


In ancient pagan Mexico (time of Cortez) the newborn baptism, to “wash away and purify” coupled with baptismal exorcism, was universal. The conquering Catholics were astonished to find their own identical rites, complete with exorcism, performed not by a Catholic priest, but by every Mexican midwife without any influence of Catholicism. Ancient Mexico worshipped Wodan (or Odin) as ancestor of their race, which is the same as Adon of Babylon. From there came both the entire Mexican mythology and baptismal regeneration. Apparently the history of Noah and the Flood (washing away evil) was corrupted in Babylon to become a symbol of cleaning babies from their evil nature.


The Babylonian-Catholic position is that babies dying without baptism are consigned to hell and that infant-baptism “makes us children of god”.


This is entirely unscriptural. Christ declared clearly regarding children, “Of such is the kingdom of heaven”. Scripturally, baptism does not produce a “new birth”, but exhibits it where it already exists. (Ro 4:11, Mark 16:16). Water represents the Word of God and washing represents the cleaning up your life with the Word of God (Bible). Faith must already be in existence (no infant can know anything about it) in an adult, before baptism testifies to it publicly. For this the baby baptism is useless. But it is not useless to Babylonism – it is an important source of power of the priesthood over a concerned population as well as source of income.




Extreme Unction


This is the practice of anointing the dying with oil and the rest of Babylonic mumbo jumbo, to provide for them an entrance to bliss. Obviously, this is a source of priestly importance, but could anybody knowing the Bible even imagine that this can have any importance to God?


The worshippers of Be el Samen (“lord of heaven”), also called “lord of evil”, were anointed with oil in the name of their god for their last journey.


This practice is not derived from the Bible but from Chaldean mysteries, and was entirely unknown among Christians, until the Babylonian corruption was far advanced in the “church”.

The Rosary and the Worship of the Sacred Heart


Where is there a “sacred heart” in the Bible? Nowhere. It doesn’t exist.


 But it exists in Chaldean mysteries, in Babylon and Egypt, where it was worshipped as a symbol of the “Child Nimrod”, or Bel, the reincarnation of the Sun (fiery and burning; Baal) and represented as a heart of flame (Flaming Heart).


This Heart is one of the ancient symbols of Osiris, the infant divinity “born again” to Isis, his mother. Later Venus and her son Cupid were none other than Madonna and the Child. This son is called the “strength of his mother”, the “boy-god”, whose symbol was the heart.  While he was recognized by the pagans as a mighty war-god, he was exhibited in his favorite form as a little child.


The HEART in Chaldee is BEL and the worship of the sacred heart was under the symbol of the “Sacred Bel”, “that mighty one of Babylon”, Horus, the “born again”. In Catholicism he is given the name of “Jesus”, but his attributes, as publicized  by the Papacy, are not the attributes of the  Jesus of the Bible, but those of Moloch and Bel.


The Rosary, equally is no mere invention of the Papacy, but is of the highest antiquity and almost universally found among Pagan nations. It’s purpose is the seemingly endless repetition of “prayers” to demons.


By contrast, what does God say about it in the Bible? See Matthew 6:7-8:


7.  But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

 8.  Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.






College of Cardinals


The term cardinal is derived from CARDO, a hinge. Janus (Roman god of gods), whose key the Pope bears, was the god of doors and hinges and was called Patulcius and Clausius, the “ Opener and Shutter”.


Janus, this Babylonian Messiah, was said to have “jus vertendi cardenis” – the power of turning the hinge, of opening the doors of heaven and of peace or war.


The Pope therefore, when he set up as High Priest of Janus, assumed also the “power of turning the hinge”. His privy councilors, associated with him in the government of the church, got the title of “Cardinals”, the “Priests of the Hinge”.


Celibacy of Priests and Monks


Semirabis, the real original of the Chaldean “Queen of Heaven”, to whom the “Unbloody sacrifice” of the mass was first offered, was in her own person the uttermost example possible of sexual immorality and perversion.


The mysteries over which she presided were scenes of the rankest pollution; but the priesthood involved in all this was bound to a life of celibacy.


It appears, that not only uttermost control over the priesthood (see “celibacy” – socioeconomic measure) was provided. This must also be the first, original and most effective legislation and hatred against marriage, anywhere.


In all countries, into which this “priestly celibacy” was introduced, it proved to be an immoral disaster, a social catastrophe of awesome proportions.


The Tonsure (Baldness) of celibate priests at ordination


This is a shaving of the head. Where does it come from? It never came from the Bible.


Historically, it is the visible inauguration of those who submitted to it as priests of Bacchus (Baal). Centuries before Christ, Herodotus describes it exactly as  the Catholic priests/ monks get it today.


The priests of Osiris, the Egyptian Bacchus, were always distinguished by the shaving of their heads. In Pagan Rome, in India, even in China, the distinguishing mark of the Babylonian priesthood was the shaven head.


The Law received by Moses expressly forbade the Jewish priests to “make any boldness upon their heads” (Levit. 21:5). There is nothing like it in the New Testament.


 Whose traditions are these?






Relic Worship


In Catholicism the worship of relics of saints, of St.Peter, St.Paul, St.Thomas A. Buckett, St.Laurence O’Toole and thousands of others, occupy the very same place in the worship of the Papacy as the worship of relics of Osiris in Egypt or of Zoroaster in Babylon.


The practice dates back to shortly after the global flood, to commemorate the execution and dismemberment of Nimrod (Osiris/Jupiter/Moloch/etc) into 14 pieces.


Nimrods “wife” Semirabis (Isis/Ceres/Cybele/Mary) and her apostates recovered all but one relic, and erected temples of worship over them. Pilgrimages were held to all these places, promising forgiveness of sins, healing from disease, etc. From there this idolatrous practice spread globally.


This practice never appears in either the Old or the New Testament. It is an abomination and strictly forbidden even to touch a dead body.


Sovereign Pontiff


Nearly 25 hundred years ago Rome had already its Pagan College of Pontiffs, with its Pontifax Maximus  (Soverein Pontiff), which system in turn had been framed on the model of the Grand Original Council of Pontiffs at Babylon.

There was never such a thing in the Bible.



Popes Mitre


Is a hat, seemingly opening into two halves on top, like the mouth of a fish.


Janus, whose key the Pope usurped, together with that of his Wife/Mother/Cybele/Mary, was also Dagan. This is a corrupted representation called the “incarnation of Noah”, the “two headed” who lived in two worlds, before and after the waters (Global Flood).


The hat (or mitre) which the Pope wears, when he sits on the high altar at Rome and receives the adoration of the Cardinals, is the very mitre worn by Dagon, the god of the Phillistines and Babylonians.



The Crosier (crook staff) of the Pope, which bears the emblem of his office, as the “great Sheppard of the sheep”, is neither more nor less than the Augars crooked staff, or magic rod of the priest of Nimrod, the “Sheppard king”. 


So it was used by the Assyrians, Etruscans, Romans, etc. who used it just as the Chaldean Soothsayers and priests, in performance of their magic rites, long before Christianity.


Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven?


The Babylonian as well as the Pagan Roman Pontifax Maximus always claimed the power of the” keys of Janus and Cybele”. Each of them bore a key. These are the two keys that the Pope emblazons on his arms today.



Wax  Candles and Lights


The ancient worship the Babylonian “messiah”, known variously as sun-god/ Osiris/ Zoroaster/ Baal/ Moloch/ Bacchus/ etc., always required the use of lighted beeswax candles.  This requirement is still observed religiously in our day.


This practice embodies a multiple meaning. The light itself was an act of homage to the sun. The sun-god/ Moloch was presented not only as the illuminator of the world, but also as the enlightener of the souls of men. The bee itself is a Babylonian symbol of Osiris/Moloch as DEBOR, the enlightener, the “word”. The very word bee in Chaldee means “word”; “logos”. True to his imitating, counterfeiting  program Moloch also claims to be the word of god. Thus the light generated from beeswax had a double significance.


This practice was first introduced  at the time of emperor Constantine’s religious melting pot. In vain  did the Christians of the 4th century (beginning of Catholicism) point out the absurdity of “lighting candles to God, as if He lived in the dark”


This practice of requiring wax candles and light sources in broad daylight had spread globally together with the rest of the Babylonian mystery religion more than a thousand years earlier.


Precisely so is the practice observed in Catholicism. If the Madonna and Child are set up in a niche, they must have a lamp to burn before them. If mass is celebrated, though in broad daylight, there must be wax candles lighted on the altar. The use of these observances comes from the same source as all the rest of Papal traditions





Peter of Babylon?


The Papacy of Rome, it is said, tries to justify most of the Catholic system and temporal authority upon the fairy tale of “Apostolic Succession”, where the apostle Peter is said to have been in Rome and to have been the first Pope. They display the “keys of St. Peter”, a “chair of St. Peter”, Basilica of St Peter, “Plaza” of St. Peter, and so on, to demonstrate their truthfulness.


Two Bible verses are misquoted to support this phantasy, namely:


Matt. 16:16-18: “16.  And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.

 17.  And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.

 18.  And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.




Christ Jesus asked Peter, who He (Jesus) is. Peter responded correctly. Then Jesus said, (according to Greek original Tx. Receptus):  “You are “Pedros”(a minuscule pebble).  (But) upon the “Petra” (mountain, enormous rock – that is upon Christ Himself, as in Matt:16:16) I will build my church”. The witnesses to this are 1 Cor. 3:11 , Psalms 18:31, and so on. The Papacy falsified the passage for obvious reasons.


What are the facts?


Peter was never in Rome. Christianity began in Jerusalem, not in Rome. Paul was the apostle to the Gentiles, not Peter. (Rom: 11:13). Why would Paul direct instructions to Rome, if Peter were there? In the Book of Romans, Paul sends greetings to 25 members of the church in Rome and never mentions the name of Peter. Paul wrote several books while in the prisons of Rome and never mentions Peter. Peter was in Jerusalem (Gal 2:7) and there was his grave discovered, in spite of assertions of the Papacy that “his bones are in Rome”. In the meeting of the apostles in Jerusalem, it was James who was in charge (Acts 15:6), though Peter was there. Peter was never infallible and was never a Pope. Peter was married (Mark 1:30)


Why all this Catholic preoccupation with “Peter”?


There was indeed a “Peter” in Rome who occupied the highest place in the existing pagan priesthood. This “Peter” was called Hierophant, but in Chaldee, the real language of the Mysteries, his title was “Peter”, meaning the “interpreter”. This pagan “Pope of Chaldee” or “Peter” was decorated with the keys of Janus and Cybele, whose mysteries he unfolded. These were the pagan “keys of Peter.”  In Greece (Athens), the “Eleusinian Mysteries, during the initiation of new candidates, were read from the “Book Pet-Roma”, that is the “Book of the Grand Interpreter”, referring to Hermes Trismegistus, the “Great Interpreter of the Gods”. In Egypt, this “interpreting” Demon was called “Peter- Roma”, complete with the “keys of Peter-Roma”.


This way, it is said, the pope appeared to the Christians as a representative of Peter the Apostle – while to the initiated pagans, he was the representative of Peter, the interpreter of the well-known Mysteries, the counterpart of Janus (Babylonian messiah).


In all countries where the Babylonian system was entrenched, we always find the Sovereign Pontiff of the Babylonian god invested with the very attributes now ascribed to the Pope of Rome. Care for minutest details?


“God Upon earth’? – The King of Egypt, as “Sovereign Pontiff , was to his subjects, officially, the “representative of  the divinity on earth”.


“Infallible?” – The Chaldean Pontiff was believed to be “incapable of error”. This applies to Babylon and wherever the Babylonian religion spread.


Kiss the Pope’s Slipper? –According to Herodotus, Strabo, Gausen  and others, “the kings of Chaldea (Babylon)  wore on their feet slippers which the kings they conquered used to kiss”.


 The same applies to the requirement of addressing Pontifex  Maximus with          “Your Holiness” wherever the Babylonian religion went. And so on for hundreds of details, today exactly as it was four thousand years ago, in Babylon/Egypt.





The author, Alexander Hislop, summarized the situation clearly enough. “Popery boasts of being the ”old” religion; and truly it can trace its lineage far beyond the era of Christianity, back 4000 years, to the period of Flood and the building of the Tower of Babel….All that is apparently Christian in its (Catholic) system is more than neutralized by malignant Paganism that it embodies…Can there be anything but death, spiritual and eternal death, to those who continue to feed upon the poisoned food that it offers to the perishing souls of men,…hoodwinked by a Pagan priesthood, abusing the name of Christ.?”(p 282, 286)


Hislop continues:“It can be proved that the IDOLATRY of the whole earth is ONE, that the sacred language of all nations is radically CHALDEAN, that the great gods of every country and clime are called by Babylonian names, and that all Paganisms of the human race  are only a wicked and deliberate… CORRUPTION of the (pure) primeval gospel first preached in Eden, and through Noah, afterwards conveyed to all mankind.”


“The system, first concocted in Babylon, and thence conveyed to the ends of the earth, has been modified and diluted in different ages and countries. In Papal Rome only is it now found nearly pure and entire.”


Why is Babylonism with its Queen of Heaven and Pantheon of demons the only most globally pervasive “religion” in all history after the Flood? It certainly was not unopposed. Noah’s moral descendents executed Nimrod; Cyrus, Xerxes, and many Medo Persian kings banished its priests from Babylon and labored to root it out of the empire. From the very beginning, says A. Hislop, that Satan, the god of this world exerts his highest power in its behalf. Our God says that “we war not against flesh and blood, but against Principalities, against the unseen rulers of this world” (Ephes. 6:12)




There are several interesting points, which additionally present themselves, in conclusion.



True Christianity was an obvious, ever-increasing threat to the Roman Babylonian religion. The “merging of all religions under Christianity” by the Emperor Constantine, who himself continued to worship the Sungod/ Moloch to his death was in no way any conversion of this Emperor to Christianity, but was an obvious fraud, a crafty device to neutralize and control Christian expansion, a brilliant political stratagem. Catholicism, without question, is the most ingenious, masterly work imaginable, to save all of the Roman Babylonism while defeating the developing Christian threat. The doctrine and discipline of the Papacy, in all essential respects, have been derived from Babylon, adopted from ancient Babylonic religion, and given Christian names.


The worship (veneration is a play on words) and concept of Mother and Child, the Mass, the Wafer (Eucharist), Purgatory, the Sovereign Pontiff, Prayers for the Dead, the Rosary, the Sign of the Cross, the Confessional, Clothing and Crowning of Images, Priests, Monks and Nuns, Relic Worship, Worship of the Sacred Heart, Extreme Unction and so on – all came from the ancient Babylonic religion, not the Bible. “The Two Babylons”, by Alexander Hislop, his references and a study of ancient religious history are an eye-opener. In fact, if the Bible is the most dangerous book to Catholicism in the world, the second, most dangerous trend to Catholicism is certainly the study of the ancient Babylonic religion.


It is interesting that no cleanup of Catholicism was ever permitted and, no such internal effort ever succeeded, and, that the implementation of other and additional Babylonic concepts and practices was continued through history and still continues. This argues for an existence of a secret order, extremely well guarded across the centuries, maintaining true Babylonian worship and direction in utmost secrecy. Historically, it was not from the periphery that corruption in Catholicism became visible, but always starting from the core, from the center itself. Three centuries before the Roman Emperor Constantine launched his “religious melting pot”, God had already described it and its future in Bible prophecy. (Rev. 17:1-7)


4.  And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:



 6.  And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood     of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.


The concept and worship of FATHER and SON of the Bible were and are being replaced globally by the Babylonian MOTHER and SON from the Chaldee Mysteries. This cannot be a random coincidence. Immensely powerful spiritual forces must be behind it, energizing these devil worshipers for at least the last four millennia.


Is there salvation in Catholicism for those who knowingly, deliberately, consistently and progressively install, through all these centuries, in such exact detail, the worship of Moloch under the guise of Christianity? What do you think? God declares in Galat. 1:8-9, that anyone preaching any other gospel than that of the Bible is twice accursed.


Curiously, which shall be the “only god”, the “god of fortifications”, which the Antichrist shall worship? There is no god of fortifications, of any consequence, in all antiquity, but there is a goddess of fortifications, variously known as the Queen of Heaven/“Mother”/Semirabis/Ceres/Isis/Cybele/and so on, universally represented with a turreted crown, a “fortification” on her head. (See Daniel 11:38).


It is equally remarkable that the “free”-masons are said to represent Satan with breasts, as a female.


 It is no far-fetched conclusion that the coming Antichrist shall worship only Satan.



You shall know them by their Fruits?


Jesus commanded those who are His to love one another ( John 15:12-  )


. 12.  This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.

13.Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.


How does anybody know a Christian? How does one know the enemy of Christ?


16.  Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

 17.  Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

 18.  A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

 19.  Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.     (Matt 7 :16-20)


How does the Papacy really love Biblical Christians?


Did they love the Donatists? The Donatists formed churches that would return to the truth of the Scripture (Bible). They suffered terrible persecution as they separated themselves from the organized Catholic church.


In the seventh century the Paulicans, who held the writings of St. Paul to be the guiding criteria for Christianity, had a tremendous influence on the people as they fought desperately to return to Biblical Christianity. In the space of only 9 years alone, during the long course of these persecutions, the Roman Catholic church slew with the sword or burned at the stake 100,000 of these evangelical Paulicans.


Did the Papacy love the Albigenses? “ These Albigenses preached against the immoralities of the Catholic priesthood, pilgrimages, worship of “saints” and images, opposed the claims of the church of Rome; made great use of the Scriptures (Bible)…By 1167 they embraced the majority of the population of South France…In 1208 a crusade was ordered by Pope Innocent III ; a bloody war of  cruelest extermination followed, scarcely paralleled in history; town after town was put to the sword and the inhabitants inhumanly murdered without distinction of age or sex…..within 100 years of continuous, unimaginably cruel attrition  the Albigenses were utterly rooted out…. “ By comparison, Hitler’s murder of Orthodox Jews, during few years only, without daily tortures or burnings at the stakes, must have been a gentle kindergarten


Two centuries later, “between 1540 and 1570 no fewer than 900,000 Protestants were put to death in Pope’s war for the extermination of the Waldenses. Think of Catholic monks and priests directing, with unimaginable cruelty and inhuman brutality, the work of torturing and burning alive innocent Christian men and women, and doing it in the Name of Christ, by the direct order of the “Vicar of Christ” These people’s only “fault” was trying to clean up their lives and their worship according to the only true Word of God, the Bible. They rather accepted death and agony than betrayed the Christ of the Bible…” On the night of August 24, 1572, 70,000 Huguenots, including most of their leaders, were massacred (St. Bartholomew’s massacre). Some 200,000 more perished as martyrs…and 500,000 fled to Protestant countries”


During the last eight centuries of the virtually supreme power of the Papacy it is estimated that 128 million people were tortured to death in a most unimaginably cruel agony or murdered outright as human candles.  How many more since the 4th century then? To obtain any idea of the immense scope of this almost global attrition against true Christianity, one must remember that the entire population of France, Italy, Spain or Germany in the “Middle Ages” comprised, in each case, only a few million inhabitants.


The method of “execution” –burning people alive- of the Papacy is more than curious by itself. No people, historically, have ever used it except in Satanism, as a human sacrifice to Moloch . Continuing sacrifices offered to Baal?


Know them by their fruits? Historically, there has never been a greater enemy of Christ than Catholicism. This behavior is immediately masked, and exceedingly well masked, whenever the power of the Papacy declines temporarily or ceases to be universal and absolute.


The Shortest History of 4000 Years Ever Written?


The Babylonian Devil/Demon Worship ( known as“Chaldean Mystery Religion”) became world-wide shortly after the Flood, but it’s center stayed in Babylon until Xerxes, in 487 BC, forced the Babylonian priesthood (Chaldean) to move to Pergamos, which then became their headquarters.


The cult continued to gain power until the Roman Caesars absorbed their principles and structure. Julius Caesar was made Supreme Pontiff of the Etruscan Order in 74 BC. Thereafter Rome’s religion became that of Babylon.


In AD 378, Damascus was “elected” bishop of the “Christian church” of Rome, as enforced by decrees of Emperor Constantine. This bishop of Rome, who later became head of the organized church, was already Supreme Pontiff of the Babylonian Order.


This was brought about through the influence of the monks of Mount Carmel, a college of devil worshippers of the Babylonian religion, founded by the priests of Jezebel, and, incredibly still active today within the Roman Catholic framework.


Since that time Catholicism never freed itself from the iron control, exercised through secret orders and societies of the “Mystery Religion" to this day.

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