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Protect Yourself


WISDOM UPDATE 2: Profit economically and learn from the bitter experience of others. Believe me, this is MUCH SMARTER than to learn out of your own bitter experience. NOW ADDED: Investment Details, Education, Choosing Professions, Gold, Financing Devils, Job Cautions and Strategy, Financial Bubbles, and others.

WISDOM UPDATE: Profit economically and learn from the bitter experience of others. Believe me, this is MUCH SMARTER than to learn out of YOUR OWN bitter experience. NOW ADDED: Investment Details, Education, Choosing Professions, Gold, Financing Devils, Job Cautions and Strategy, Financial Bubbles, etc.




The old Germanic tribes of Europe had a “goddess”, before encountering Catholicism. Her name was Freya. From this name comes the word FREIHEIT, in German, and FREEDOM, in English. What was she a “goddess” of? Do you have any idea?



 Only slaves own nothing. Without assets you have only the freedom to starve.  And, maybe, not even that. God gave to each Hebrew property to make him independent. Then God gave laws to protect that independence by protecting their property. PROPERTY IS FREEDOM.


Every pirate government, which wants to remove your liberty, will try to utterly impoverish you, first. These nice people will try doing it slowly or rapidly, depending on current probabilities of avoiding a successful counterrevolution.


Writing our Constitution, after some battle, the original wording was changed to “pursuit of happiness”.  Some of the founding fathers did not relish too many upstarts either. But can YOU imagine much happiness in the midst of bitter, grinding poverty? Try instead “pursuit of private property”, or”pursuit of private ownership”, the original intention. If you make it, don’t forget your USA, your beautiful country. Try to help it and defend it. You will be part then of the middle class, so feared by the Big Boys.


 Invest only in REAL ESTATE, AND TANGIBLES. With a RENTAL PROPERTY, IN A GOOD AREA, the tenants will pay off your mortgage in 15-30 years and you retire debt free with big income. Learn to calculate and to plan. Watch out for “bubbles”, temporarily overprized properties. During “bubbles” buy a lot, zoned for the number of units you want, in a good area, and build. There are no bubbles for wages or construction materials. Apart from property resale or operating rental real estate there is nothing much still open to us.

The Big Guys have already seen to that. They do not want a middle class.


Consider debt as a most dangerous enemy. NEVER BORROW WITH CREDIT CARDS. Use debit cards, against your own money in the bank. Get out of mortgages as fast as you can.  The sense of freedom and power over your life will be unbelievable. It doesn’t cost much to live. The danger is in what you owe.


Beware of small merchant (small shop), small factory or small production type of enterprise. Big capital has eliminated most of this type of independence a hundred years ago. It is now an ENDANGERED enterprise. Dangerous.  



but only if you choose your profession wisely. Lawyers , doctors and dentists have been highly successful occupations, primarily because many can set up in independent business; be their own masters.  A good profession must also require a special license, as above, for their protection. Licensed professionals in the health provider field have been in considerable demand, but positions in pharmacy, nursing, and others have been reduced to “permanent” servant status by big capital. Some of these captured professions report being stressed out and exploited past limits of endurance by ruthless taskmasters, the lackeys of their rich owners.


Engineering might be appealing to some mathematically minded, but there is no license to protect you and if you are are out of work for a while you tend to forget most of your education. Employers know that. Neither can you be your own master in today’s economy.


Arts, painting, music are usually the worst prospects, unless you are a rich promoter yourself and control the “market”.


Acquiring a profession by education may now mean several years of study. But remember, that if you stay in whatever you are doing now, in a few years you will still be in the same mess and several years older. Six to seven years is not a long time and it will probably change your level of living, quality of job, the type of friends you will have, the kind of vacations you can afford.  It is worth it. If there is a will, there is usually a way to finance it.


  • (3)GOLD RESERVES or equivalent.

  • Our currency had a SILVER and GOLD backing in the past. Removal of the silver and gold backing eliminated the last defense which our currency had against inflation. One SILVER dollar today may be worth 20 PAPER dollars or more. That means your PAPER dollar lost 95% of its old value. Today’s currency has nothing tangible whatever behind it, apart from a promise of “I Owe You -Nothing” from the bankers (banksters).


Gold coins require minimal space. Many financial advisors recommend purchase of the physical metal itself, preferably as the prices go down (it also fluctuates), leave it in your safety deposit box in a bank (not your regular bank), and never touch it unless you have an emergency. Don’t advertise you have it and it will remain divorce-proof too. Just mention it in your private, confidential testament. Established gold coins might be best. Generally, accumulate tangibles, leaving only small amount of money in the bank. Diversify wisely.




Forget the stock exchange. Only an INSIDER can make money, by robbing you! Why put your assets into the fingers of such scoundrels? Banks and Stock Exchanges are economic PUMPS, transferring limitless riches from the working classes of the world to a minute devil worshipping elite. INVEST IN REAL PROPERTY, OVER WHICH YOU HAVE CONTROL.


Similarly, never leave your girl alone, out of your sight, for any length of time. That may be, say very many, practically a guaranteed disaster. Satanic laws have seen to the promotion of that.




Trust only God for your salvation, IF you continue to obey the Bible. People change with time. One trusting ex-husband, who placed ASSETS into the hands of his successive wives and family, never learned, and is still wailing and weeping that ALL his previous wives and relatives had turned enemies, robbers and traitors; all of them. You think it’s an isolated occurrence? Never put others in control of any of your POSSESSIONS OR PROPERTY.


NEVER JUST ACCEPT OR BELIEVE WHAT ANYONE SAYS (especially the government or politicians). If it’s IMPORTANT, always check it out. It will be well worth the trouble. Separate false from true stories and the same goes for promises. Categorically don’t believe in anybody’s promises. Neither does your bank, right?


  • 6) NEVER LOAN anything. 

You may give it away, but if you cannot afford to give it away, do not lend. Lending, you usually lose the object lent and your friend as well. If they want money, let them go to a bank. The bank is well able to defend itself. They come to you, knowing, you won’t.  Neither GUARANTEE anyone’s loan – even the Bible has a prohibition against it.

  • (7) Practice COURTESY daily. EVERY DAY.

Make a point of it. Courtesy costs nothing, but is one of the MOST  EFFECTIVE investments in the world.



Sooner or later there will be times when we just don’t really know what to do.

In that case, confronted with a major decision, a major threat or with a major problem – DO NOT TRUST ONLY YOUR OWN ABILITY. Solicit advice. You don’t have to take it, but you should consider it. Remember that nobody has had experience in everything. You NEED to know your options and the probabilities of various possible outcomes. Take care to consult the right people, not the right devils.



 We normally have MANY, MANY people we know, but VERY, VERY FEW, if any, FRIENDS. Whenever you find one, keep in touch throughout life. Help them in need. Be interested in their problems.  Even if they don’t love you, you might profit much to retain them as friends. Keep in touch. Most depressed people lose out on this, by hiding, not communicating. Most especially, devote yourself to your parents and family, to all who love you. This is an investment. Help each other, communicate, tell them you love them and kick your pride (self-esteem) to the devil, where it belongs. Jesus washed feet. Can’t you? We need fellowship, exchange of ideas, cheering up, or just talk to people we like. This is an authentic need and it is often profitable.


(10)DO NOT DENY YOURSELF much if you can reasonably afford it– IF ITS MORAL, LEGAL  AND BENEFICIAL. Most people WILL KEEP DENYING themselves ALL THEIR LIFE, only to lose their fortune sooner or later, through divorce, disaster or thieves;  or perish, leaving it to others. Be forewarned.



 This will be the greatest thing you will ever have, and it will last forever. Even in this life it will be the greatest happiness you’ll have, and a light upon your path. Conversely, to FAIL in this, will be the GREATEST DISASTER you will ever have, both here and hereafter.

Get your wife to become a REAL Christian too. Do you know how much a divorce costs? This must be one of the greatest investments for you, indeed. And how about the kids? Do you want them to grow into useless, selfish, decadent, rebellious children, as in 2Tim. 3:1-5? Be a Christian example to them, share your time with them, and choose Christian home schooling or a Christian school. You think this is not a very, very vital investment?

(12)STUDY AND OBEY THE BIBLE every day of your life. The results are statistically really beyond price. If you have invited JESUS to be the ruler of your life, then PLEASE, PLEASE read “BIBLE MUTILATION”  in . No real Christian can remain unaware of this tremendously essential information. Don’t wait. Read it.


From this basic dishonesty will result tremendous negative internal, psychological readjustments. It will mark you evil internally. Don’t do it. Pay for things. Never steal. If you find something which others have lost, return it to owner, as possible.

(14)Before contemplating marriage or pure adultery – first read HOW TO SURVIVE MARRIAGE IN THESE LAST DAYS UNDER SATAN -look it up in Learn from the bitter, disastrous mistakes and experiences of others, before entering this veritable minefield yourself. Read about biblical child upbringing and homeschooling. Above mentioned reference is a MUST, at least to start.

It may be a surprise to North Europeans and Americans, that laws in some Latin countries, regarding inheritance, are really different. If estranged family members, who hate you, manage to kill you somehow, the “wife” and “kids” automatically inherit 2/3, or all, of your estate in Latin Countries. YOUR TESTAMENT WILL NOT APPLY. It can only transfer 1/3 of your estate, as per testament. If you want to keep your life’s assets out the hands of your enemies within the “estranged family”, you must transfer the title (sell it) during your lifetime (or before they kill you). You think I am kidding? If you have enemies in your family in any Latin country, have you noticed their inquiries (with the rest of your family) about your global holdings? Kiddo, down there it happens all the time. Virtual wars of violence ensue over inheritance, without the police doing anything at all. It’s hard to believe until it happens.


(15)Within marriage MAXIMIZE SEX, but remember to give pleasure as well as to receive. It is a wonderful thing within marriage. This is also a very effective investment. Most unfortunately, in their selfishness, only very few will understand this. Promote sex inside your marriage.


(16)Electronic Dating Clubs, PEPERAS and child abduction by internet.


We live in a world of increasing divorces, destroyed families and virtually abandoned children. Most of us are turning increasingly to internet for communication. LAMENTABLY so do the satanic predators, professional whores, robbers and child traffickers of this world.


If you are an abandoned, lonesome brother with financial means - never, never select anybody from electronic dating clubs. It used to be that 1 in 20 respondents was a whore. Now, they say, it is 50% of all respondents are professional whores, thieves, dangerous criminals and even murderers, working alone or with secret male help. I can’t say this applies to all countries, but is applies now to most. Date someone who is known to you and others. Ask friendly family members for introductions. Women are also looking for partners.


PEPERAS are satanic women who will try to enter your domicile under sexual pretenses, “welcoming” anonymity and secrecy. They specialize in slipping you a sedative or hypnotic and rob all they can carry while you are unconscious. Look up the details in


This is not just idle writing. If you persist in letting in un-identified women, sooner or later, you’re almost guaranteed to become a victim. Same do not survive it.


Giving internet to children opens them to the entire Luciferian phantasy machine and also increasingly to abduction, looring them, secretly, into parks, etc., at night. You are not likely to see them ever again. We live now in the times of 1 Tim 3: 1-5, in dangerous times. Look it up. Keep internet and computer cell phones out of their hands.


(16)  MOVING OFTEN and settling down in different parts of the country are probably counterproductive. The best growth potential is usually in picking a promising area you really like, establish yourself, purchase real estate and keep adding property and valuables or business to it throughout the years. Every time you move you probably lose substantially.


Schools and education changes stupid devils into clever ones. If you allow them assets, or set them up in business, you create a powerful evil. They are predators on mankind, enemies to the social fabric. It is the nature of the demons inside them, to squeeze everything they can out of you and turn on you and rend you. Then they will proceed to do the same to society.


An elder gentleman started helping two young girls in South America, without investigating their character (works) or families.  The girls came like angels of light, in true tradition of Satan, their father. Few years and some $ 100,000 later, for school, food, lodging and all, the poor, now ailing guy, found poison in his coffee. Finally suspicious, belatedly, he investigated. One girl had just graduated; the other still at university. Both of them got together to kill the guy and seize all his assets. Two voodoo, witchcraft death curse-packets had been planted by them, one inside his mattress, the other under his sofa. One investigator opened and inhaled something in one of the voodoo packages and died inside 3 days. On the mattress had been sprinkled powdered dead man’s skin, from a local witchdoctor. This is what the trusting guy got for his investment in the lives and educations of these two whores. They and their secret lovers/pimps simply intended to kill him slowly, enter and seize his entire property, just paying taxes and maintenance. If they could have succeeded enriching themselves, what would they have continued doing to society later?


Generally speaking, remove the appeal of huge and easy gain from the minds of others. Pretend that all your property is mortgaged more than it is worth, that you have huge debts besides and a crowd of your children after you for inheritance. That removes the motive. Remain still on guard. Their demons love to mutilate others just for nothing. Be armed and keep valuables in a digital safe, as well as the exit key. (Only you will be able to open and let them out). Hidden cameras may not be a bad investment. Examine what your intimate visitors bring in. If you find strong hypnotics (put you asleep) and a plastic bag you’ll know they’re there to kill you. You might find something else interesting, who knows. Think I am kidding? You are in the middle of 2 Timothy 3:1-5. Only some countries have it worse than others.


  • “TUNE UP YOUR ATTITUDE” for more happiness and success.



There are those among us who hide from people. This is an unfortunate condition which tends to hold the person captive, restricting his or her success and personal fulfillment. People instinctively have a need for friends and companionship and they do respond to friendliness, courtesy and good will. The more influential people you know, the greater your chances.

“Outgoing people”, normally, have far better chances for success and personal fulfillment.

“Hiding People”, people who hide from other people, usually face a lifetime of the exact opposite.

The “hiding syndrome” usually originates in NEUROSIS, perhaps due to horrible emotional damage in in the past, or due to systemic metabolic imbalance. Either way, this condition must be treated medically as a depression and socially, or legally, if continuous stress from aggression exists. Take a look at “The only way to treat depression…” in, as a start. The syndrome is characterized by continuous fear and stops us from living our lives to the full. It holds us back from success.


There is another component involved in personal HAPPINESS, not just financial and social success. It is, indeed, the most important one. It is GOODNESS and good will. It comes from God and will become perceptible to nearly everybody, increasing friendships and influence. The opposite is also perceptible. That attitude comes from God and is precious. There are no substitutes for it. People feel it and people respond. More importantly, YOU will feel and delight in it. See “Every conceivable Sacrifice is Worthwhile to Find Jesus…” in

Christ Jesus will settle for nothing less than to be the ruler of our life.


Because is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. You must invite Him for who He is. If you don’t want Him, you’ll have the other one automatically and his name is Satan.


If you do this, and mean it, with an open heart, this prayer will never fail. It will become the greatest thing you will ever have, and it will last forever. After this, clean up your life with the Bible. Check out the guide in “How to read the Bible and clean up your life” in  and  It’s made for you.

  • Wherever you go, you will leave  a positive IMPRESSION

It’s up to you what kind of impression you’ll leave. They will remember you pleasantly or unhappily. Try to always find something niece to say, where ever possible.



Realize that the “helping hand” is usually at the end of your arm. Don’t expect results without actual HARD WORK and preparation on your part as well. If you are not prepared to go out and do the necessary work yourself, don’t expect results either. 

Lawrence Welk’s autobiography is delightful reading, but more than that, it will give you an insight into the values and the happiness in America, only some 80 years ago, now “gone with the wind….” The book also provides, importantly, a glimpse of the moral and organizational “tools” we can use for happiness and for success.



 Before the appearance of giant capital almost every nation had an enormous “middle class” with independent, private ownership – a class of small independent masters, shoemakers, clothiers, small manufacturing shops, ranches, etc.  These provided an endless pool of employment to the nation.

Big capital changed all this into few employers, the MASTERS, and a nation-wide, colossal,  “workers pool”, the uprooted and disinherited SERVANTS. Most of us, unfortunately, have to depend today on employment by these masters and their lackeys for our livelihood.


Often this turns into a disagreeable experience. Both masters and their lackeys may humiliate and spitefully persecute you, to boost their EGO, or for other reasons. Coworkers or your subordinates may compete for your job, to advance themselves into your position, by discrediting, gossip mongering, blackmail, even by sabotaging you. If you’re not vigilant, often they do succeed. I know a strange case where a subordinate managed to steal enough to lower the inventory sufficiently to incriminate his boss. In some extreme cases illegal drugs have been planted on their boss or “mistakes” fabricated. The old GREED, EGO, LUST provides the motivation. The lower the level of morality in a nation, the worse it gets.


One of the “disciplining” procedures involves “writing you up”, two of the lackeys confronting you with written accusations and asking you to sign it. NEVER SIGHN. This usually is equivalent to admitting guilt. IF THE WHOLE THING IS DISHONEST, you must start defending yourself, with courtesy, but dignified, and effectively.


 You might start immediately to solicit advice from friends,  associates experienced with this type of persecution, lawyer, anyone familiar with this type of intrigue and customs.  Next you might want to contact your department supervisor with some personal complains of harassment, personal persecution, and the real facts.  Any discrimination for race, religion, nationality or sex is now a type of crime. You might eventually ask for a transfer or start a lawsuit on you own. Don’t let any “write ups” accumulate. Such write ups may follow you into your next job. If here is a union to help you, see what can be done.


In some cases both the lackey and the servant write each other up. In one case, I heard, an employee took out the maximum “health, disability and accident” insurance offered by his company, and when they tried to fire him, he claimed psychological, psychiatric disability, partly due to stress and harassment at work, and with the help of a psychiatrist got several years free pay and medical.


I mention this only to illustrate that this is a serious, competitive and potentially dangerous field. Someone unaware of what is going on is in danger. One must walk with courtesy and honesty, but very carefully; do your job as well as can be done, watch any stock or equipment entrusted to you like a hawk, and explore defensive options well ahead of time. It is no joke being a servant (employee) instead of being the master (owner); especially when becoming an owner yourself is properly and totally blocked for you by big capital.


Keep in mind your eventual pension benefits. Much of private industry and enterprise will provide practically nothing towards your retirement. Believe me, this retirement will come and you will need financial help. Historically the State or Government employment has been best at providing a decent retirement programs for employees. They  offer salaries a little lower than private industry, but calculate yourself the real financial gain for your ultimate 20 to 40 years of life. Most of us, in spite of great hopes and plans, do end up very dependent on pension and social security. There might also be less stress and workload, as well as automatic promotion, in government sponsored jobs.


If it were possible in this present “article format” to solicit the wisdom of others, their advice born out of their dire experience, if you please, I would certainly ask for these contributions now. Advice accompanied by true story examples is even more effective. Contributors could respond to Visitors Message , in







Tithing and Corruption in Churchianity?


Under the Law of Moses provision was made for tithing to support the entire tribe of Levites, widows, orphans, strangers and the poor. The Levites were not allowed either property nor inheritance. Tithing supported the whole tribe.


Heb. 7:7 And verily they that are of the sons of Levi, who receive the office of the priesthood, have a commandment to take tithes of the people according to the law, that is, of their brethren, though they come out of the loins of Abraham

Deut 26:12 When thou hast made an end of tithing all the tithes of thine increase the third year, which is the year of tithing, and hast given it unto the Levite, the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, that they may eat within thy gates, and be filled


I know several wonderful pastors, absolutely dedicated, committed to serve Christ and their fellow Christians. If they have any money it all goes to the service of others, congregation or missions. Neither can they be silenced on any political, moral issue or legal threat, to our liberty.


But there are unfortunately also some real bad eggs, pretending to be pastors. They are NOT pastors. We need a separate, new name for these people. How about PISTORS? In their innermost being they may not even believe in God. These dear people make merchandize of the Word of God and their congregations, betraying the flock and their country.  All of them share the same single characteristic, the love of your money and the insistence on tithing.


It is said, that greedy “Independent Pistors” have multiplied like a disease, like an epidemic, everywhere. They LOVE themselves a lot more than their congregations. These “independents” are responsible to nobody, teach whatever they like and hide their income from the world. They could declare it, at least, to their congregation; but this never happens.


Dr. Noah Hutchings, the real heart and dynamo within Southwest Radio Ministries for nearly 60 years, writes about his own extensive experience, “It was then I learned that most men in full time ministry – church, missions, or communications – are often the most selfish, greedy, un-Christian people in the world. And not only that, many will cut your throat or stab you in the back if it is to their gain. Not all but many. That is just the way it is.” (p.145).


This applied to the beginning 1960/70-ies. He continues, “I was beginning to learn that under the label of Christian ministries and promotions some of the most unsavory crooks in the world operate”. (“As it is in the days of Noah”, Page 161, 2009, Hearthstone). If it was like that some 40 or 50 years ago, SURELY it must be much worse today.


My own experience is still more tragic than that.





Greedy Pistors will claim that the Money is for the Lord, but God does not need your money at all. The tithing money was for the Levites and the poorest, not for God. If a Pistor tells you the collection is for God, he is lying.


All Christian giving is voluntary, not by law, you cannot tell anybody how much to give.


Greedy pistors might say that Jewish priests, contemporaries of Christ, were tithing spices. Sure, these priests were still under the law. (Verse states for priests to tithe, not for you, Mat 23:23).


How they love to quote Melachi, who lived under the Law of Moses, 400 years before Christ. Then the greedy might say that tithing existed even before the law, Abraham paying one tenth of the spoils of war to Malchizedek. But one tenth of spoils were not one tenth of all of Abraham’s total income. Why stress “before the law”? Many things were also before the law, including greed and sin. Being before the Law excuses greed and sin?


Are today’s pistors from the tribe of Levi, Children of Abraham? Are they forbidden to have property and inheritance?



How much “tithing” did Paul collect? Or James? Or Peter? How many pastors serve our God and their flock, like the early Christians, in dire poverty, persecuted, loving our Lord unto death?


There is no record of any tithing among Christians. It passed away with the Law of Moses. And then there are no Levites, either, all went into dispersion 70 AD. Greedy pistors might point out that the New Testament passages are about giving, not tithing, and that tithing is something else, still due to the pistors. But in the New Testament there is never tithing; only voluntary giving. Giving , not a demand to pay. A tithe was enforced, it was a payment. Tithing does not exist under the Law of Christ. Neither do we have priesthood or a temple. We have only Christ and the Bible.




Heb 8:13 New Covenant under Christ eliminates the Law of Moses, unless Christ himself reaffirms any specific law.:


8:13 In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.


Heb 7:12  Change of Law under Christ Jesus, our only High Priest (intercessor) now.


7:12 For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law.


With coming of the Messiah the Law of Moses was replaced by the Law of Christ. Many old rules were dropped from the law and many new rules were added.


Cor.  9:7 this is THE END of all enforced, mandated tithing and giving:


9:7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.





(1) THERE IS A LEGAL ASPECT, regarding tithing, under the New Testament.

This involves soliciting by FRAUD, by deceit, by dishonesty a financial gain. In any other branch of commerce this is repaid by a residence in jail, or at least by trial and severe penalty.




THERE IS A GREAT DEAL MORE HERE THAN DECEPTION, greed and outright theft involved, in teaching to tithe under the New Covenant. God’s Word contains very strict prohibitions against changing anything whatever in the Word of God. That applies not only to changing something in the Book. It applies even more to ACTUALLY TEACHING (PREACHING) WRONG DOCTRINE, especially a doctrine falsified to secure financial gain. Has not the Lord placed a double curse on all who do it?


To solicit tithes under the New Covenant is really a preaching of WRONG DOCTRINE. This carries a CURSE OF GOD upon the wrong doctrine and upon the PERSON preaching it:


Galatians 1:8-9 

But though we, or an angel from heaven, PREACH any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
9. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man PREACH any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.


Any other gospel? Tithing under the Law of Christ is CERTAINLY ANOTHER GOSPEL! Is it a wonder that organized Christianity has plunged where it is now?


It’s curious, though, that the only thing these “Shepherds” principally retained out the whole Law of Moses is a fat wallet.


 (3) LASTLY, IS THE ASPECT OF POLITICAL BETRAYAL BY PISTORS, which is leading the entire flock into the hands of Satanists. What is the function of pastor of sheep? Is it not to protect them against the wolves and thieves? To lead them to pasture and back to safety?


The betrayal consists in accepting the political BRIBE of a tax-free status in return for NOT TEACHING THE PARISHIONERS HOW TO VOTE. This way the most basic freedom of legal ORGANIZED Christian self-defense has been eliminated through the betrayal by the greedy pistors.


A real separation of church and state was never intended by the founding fathers. The only document with similar language was a private letter by one of them, insisting that the state keeps his fingers off the church; never the reverse. “Give to Caesar what is Caesars, and to God what is Gods”, what does it mean? Everything is Gods, or will be again during the 1000 year reign of Christ. What is Caesars, really? An honest reward for Caesar, for a good and just administration, and jail for the opposite. No?



Today, these Pistors take all the money for themselves – and under the (USA) government’s ELITE TAX-FREE STATUS, but only under the government’s CONDITION that these “pistors” DO NOT TEACH THEIR SHEEP HOW TO VOTE. This eliminates an organized Christian participation in the electoral process. Informed voting is the only non violent defense in a democracy left us, to obtain godly laws, to protect our kids and marriages. The right to inform and organize Christians is thus negated by the pistors greed.


The so called “democracy”, pushed on our population, is a TOTALLY BLIND AND UTTERLY USELESS procedure. Practically nobody has any idea for WHOM they are voting. Unless reliable information about every candidate – true life history, family, all works (his “fruit”), MEMBERSHIP IN SATANIC ORGANIZATIONS AND SECRET SOCIETIES, honesty, and so on – unless that is provided from reliable sources, like from any true Pastor doing his homework, voting is merely a total waste of time.


RIGHT NOW, ONLY SATANS LAW IS ENFORCED in the conduct of marriage, divorce, abortion, homosexuality, “morality” in schools and the upbringing of children.


Thank you, pistors.




The conclusion is inescapable, though bitterly true. A pistor demanding tithing is either ignorant of the Bible – in which case he should not be the spiritual leader at all – or, he DOES KNOW there is no tithing- and lies, cheats (steals from) his congregation. 


But God warned us, this should  not be unexpected.

Paul worked for his upkeep in danger and bitter poverty, and did not “demand tithing”, or even giving! Pastors can’t do this?


Acts 20:28-30. 33-34   

20:29 For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.

20:33 I have coveted no man's silver, or gold, or apparel.

20:34 Yea, ye yourselves know, that these hands have ministered unto my necessities, and to them that were with me.


WHAT CAN A PARISHONER DO? This is important. The first impulse may be to ignore tithing and forget the church. That is wrong. Demand instead, IF THE CHURCH WANTS MONEY, that they repudiate the tax free status, pay their taxes and get truly busy in politics. If that appears impossible, start your own home church and do things right! Look up for that.


An honest pastor should forget the tax-free exemption and help with voting, informing and teaching to support Christian candidates and oppose all legislatures against the Law of Christ, especially in local elections, school elections. These satanic laws later hold every Christian for ransom.


They say that there are pistors who never did an honest day’s work in their lives. Wednesday night and Sunday morning is their church workload and leaves a lot of time for an honest job, like changing tires or picking peaches. A note found in the collection plate says, “You want money? Work!”


Ponder that one.


Turn around, pick up your cross and follow Christ! Or is this too much to ask of a pastor?


Declare all income to the government and to the congregation and pay your taxes, like everybody else. Teach to the congregation the needs of the church – and have NO tithes received under secrecy, never reported- teach in honesty what is needed for the Church, debts, utilities and salary for the pastor and staff. How about simple honesty? Oh, how some Pistors would hate that!


DROP THE LIES ABOUT TITHING, BUT STRESS THE NEEDS OF THE CHURCH, FOR MUTUAL HELP and needs of MISSIONS; SALARIES, EXPENSES, ETC. GIVE HONEST, VERIFYIBLE INFORMATION, LIKE ANY HONEST ENTERPRISE, AND PAY YOUR TAXES LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE. Voluntary contributions of much more than 10% are very probable, if necessary, but only for a tremendous cause! Not to enrich a lying pistor.


Stop talking about tithing and start talking about the real, honest needs of the church, needs for the missionaries, the need to support Christians for political office. Give honest accounts of every income and expense. Teach them to support the pastor’s family, if unable to work, teach them to help spread the Gospel, to help missions, to aid the poor among you. Pay your taxes, if any. Surprisingly, there may not even be any taxes at all.


The war of independence was fought from the pulpits. That certainly was political! That was NO separation of church and state! It bought us our freedom from tyranny and feudalism; freedom to worship. Does anybody teach that? How does the future look now? In a while there won’t be any pastors either, unless they teach Satanism and homosexuality. What will happen then to your non-political tax-free status?





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